0hlov3:apple::endeavouros_logo: [email protected]

Open on gts.fsociety.social

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Matrix: @0hlov3:fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3
MainAccountOf: @0hlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.


Piratenpartei Saarland @[email protected]

Für eine liberalere, sozialere, humanistischere, modernere, gerechtere und smartere Gesellschaft.

Twitter to Mastodon Crossposting Bot

Impressum: https://piraten.saarland/Impressum/

Der BVB Andy 🖤💛🌈 @[email protected]

Bin der Andy und mag den BVB, Trash TV und Serien wie Doctor Who. Space Nerd. Komme aus der Region Hannover

CryptoParty Berlin @[email protected]

Wir veranstalten #CryptoParty s in #Berlin. // We organize #CryptoParty s in #Berlin.

Rhea @[email protected]

Book loving, numbers crunching member of society. Based in #Frankfurt raised in #Stuttgart and #Stirling

:digitalcourage: Damien @[email protected]

„JavaScript ist die Vaseline der Tracking-Industrie!“ - Autor.in unbekannt
„Respekt muss man erwerben. Unterwürfigkeit gibt es gratis. Oder auch nicht.“ - Autor.in unbekannt
„Ein Zahmer singt von Freiheit, ein wilder Vogel fliegt!“ - OK KID (2016)
„Unsere Taten werden nicht in Scheinen gezählt!“ - Fard (2016)
:xmpp: :peertube: :opensource: :nextcloud: :mastodon: :linuxmint: :gimp: :firefox: :fsf: :fedilab: :fdroid: :duckduckgo: :cc_by: :cc_nc_us: :cc_sa: :android:

Rebeka Catalina @[email protected]

Transwoman - very much interested in UNIX-like OSs, terminal/cli/security stuff, free software - (queer-)feminism, veganism.
A passionate streetboarder.

#nobot - #norec

(norec = no-recommend: please don't recommend my profile to follow)

Tend to be positive, but rant from time to time.

#berlin #gentoo #freebsd #archlinux #OpensourceSeeds #tea #HSP #introverted #streetboard #OpenSourceGardens #Haeckse #NettleFanGirl


I don't like skating - I love it <3


Die Wochennotiz @[email protected]

Im 30-minütigen Podcast "Die Wochennotiz" diskutieren @Timnetz, @fauteck und @janzwitschert jede Woche die großen und kleinen Notizen zu Alltag und Weltgeschichte.


dibi58 @[email protected]


old bean, nb, andro expired, any, it dinosaur
us, pnw, gmt-8

xmpp: [email protected]
matrix: @dibi58:matrix.org

likes are likes

boosts are FYI

posts are the opinion of the authors, unless comment exists

@ comments @ in that format, are my opinion ;-)

if i can not read your profile posts ill certainly wont accept your follow request

dont ask "why a dm" when i dm a post not cwd for dms (no dm or such,) if you dont like dms, block me first, and sayonara ...


0hlov3 @[email protected]

This is the Test Account of fedi.tech

12 past midnight 🔮 @[email protected]

Digital Product designer | #spoonie | #disability| Head geek @ http://madridgeeks.es | 🦜floki 7y.o | 👶🏼 Θαΐς 2 y.o | Fan of all things vampire, witch, were or demon.
🇶🇦🇻🇨🇬🇧🇪🇸 #intersectionalfeminist #neurodivergent #ethicaldesign

🇩🇪 くら Woomy :disconnecting: @[email protected]

Fluent in 🇩🇪, 🇺🇸, ​:csharp:​, ​:golang:​, ​:rust:​ and ​:sarcasm:​. Professional developer and enthusiastic Gamer.

Ask me about my socks
I use Gentoo, Artix and Arch btw.

Gaming: Minecraft, Final Fantasy XIV (Vanthia Orcus on Cerberus), Atelier Series
Anime: widespread, mostly action, fantasy or isekai. Yes.

Pronouns: I don't care much, as long as you use one of the 2 classical binary ones. Also I dislike they/them if you refer to me. Thanks for your understanding
