Hi there, i am a photographer and it-guy from germany, and you may know me from the several services i host at tchncs.de.


muppeth @[email protected]

DIY'er for life! Sysadmin, and FLOSS extremist.
Founder of https://disroot.org

wssndrf :thisisfine: @[email protected]

...für eine Kiste Sprotten von Inter Mailand wech!

Thomas ✅ @[email protected]

Admin von muenster.im, Nerd, Musiker, Erzieher, Vater, Kaffeesnob, Kopfhörerfetischist, Gitarrist, Alpenfreund, Hörspielvertilger, Selbsthoster

Jonah :kde: @[email protected]

aka: JBB

human languages: English, German, some Japanese (very very work in progress)
programming languages: C++, Rust, Python, QML, bash scripting, various template languages

current projects: KDE / Plasma Mobile / Kaidan / Debian-pm

topics I consider particularly interesting: computer science, politics, climate, plants, physics, cycling

Elisabeth Nagy @[email protected]

Zwischen Bildern Zwischenräume