Cofounder at Read the Docs. Now residing in the inland NW. Generally rather jazzed about free software. He/him.

Expect cursing about software.

I'm still experimenting with federated services:


Jannis Leidel 💙💛🐍📦🚲 @[email protected]

Staff software engineer working on #conda and friends at #Anaconda.
#PSF director & fellow.

#conda-forge core and #conda steering council member.

Cofounded #PyPA and #Jazzband a while ago.

#mozilla data tools, #MDN & #Django alum.


Just Peat @[email protected]

I'm a big fan of you. You're awesome. You got this. 🤘

AKA @peat on Twitter, Github, etc.

Eric Holscher @[email protected]

I am the co-founder of Read the Docs, Write the Docs, and EthicalAds.

Juan Luis @[email protected]

On a mission to accelerate the Solidarity Economy through technology ♻️

Advocate by day, rants about bad UX in F/LOSS by night. In love with SciPy & PyData. Open knowledge, radical transparency. Trying to make a positive impact.


Steve Burnett @[email protected]

He/him. Writer, musician/sound designer, technical anthropologist in RTP NC. I do not speak for my employer or anyone else.

snipe ⭑⭒⭒⭒⭒ :antiverified: @[email protected]

Hacker, founder of Grokability & Snipe-IT, a free open source IT asset management system.

@snipeyhead from the birbsite.

Open sourcerer, NSFW, shitty runner, worse puns. Sudo incarnate, the kindest buzzsaw you know.

Writing about #Laravel, #PHP, and #AppSec. Mostly shitposting.

Co-Author of Reinventing Cybersecurity:

You can learn more about me at


genehack @[email protected]

just, like, this guy, ya know?

Benjamin Balder Bach @[email protected]

❤️ computer reuse and Open Source
🤜 tech solutionism and colonialism
🦫ing at Read the Docs

Active in (@[email protected]),,, co-organizer of DjangoCon Europe 2019, co-organizer of Malawi Data Science Bootcamp 2021

Migration off Twitter begun March 2022

Connor Shea @[email protected]

Web Developer. I like #Ruby, #Rails, TypeScript. Building Not good at computers, just bad at giving up. he/him

Also #Wikidata and #VideoGames