Anant Shrivastava aka anantshri [email protected]

Open on

Researcher | Trainer | Administrator (Ops) | Developer | Security Professional


Prashant Mahajan @[email protected]

InfoSec Professional | Developer | Trainer

ADRecon | AzureADRecon

Kara Monroe @[email protected]

I Wanna Be Me When I Grow Up

@Consig :ablobcateyeroll:​:verified_paw: @[email protected]

Testing #Mastodon - since Twit's wings got clipped - to keep up on community news, old friends, new friends, #Infosec, & infosec accessories, #Culture, #Cybernews etc

I'm Probably a light poster for now - we'll see - a fly on the wall - washed ashore after the great #TwitterMigration #Storms

#Learning #InfosecNews #TechNews #Hacker #Hacking #HackerCommunity #Music #Art #Science #Nature #Health #MedEd #News #Journalism #Nutrition #Empathy #FOSS #Kindness #Spirituality (self-directed)

the odds, & underdogs too, those who persevere, #FreeAsInFreedom & free as in beer, #PrivacyMatters #OSINT #fedi22

#Cancer, #DataHarvesting #SurveilanceCapitalism, loosing friends in the #Covid shuffle

I'm not a cat & it's not my #PhotoArt above either, just a treasured memory from an old friend & gifted Artist/Metaphysician/Valkyrie/Heyoka, (you know the type), who once shared such #Light & #Energy, made a great difference & is not forgotten 💙 #Empath #Evolved #Love

Jaseem Abid @[email protected]

Yet another 💻 nerd on the internet.

🎾 🥾 🏔 🏎 📚 🚲 🦀.

Previously Recurse Center, Monzo, Apple & 🫡 Twitter.

Prof. Palazzo @[email protected]

José Palazzo Moreira de Oliveira é Professor Titular do Instituto de Informática da UFRGS atuando como Professor Convidado, é credenciado como orientador de mestrado e doutorado no PPGC da UFRGS.

Kyle Smith @[email protected]

Security Product Strategy @NuHarbor
, cybersecurity leader, father, and husband.
@Security_Kyle on Twitter

Augusto Campos ✅ @[email protected]

Administrador e fazedor. Gestão estratégica, governança e projetos. Blogueiro desde antes dos blogs: BR-Linux, Efetividade e mais.

Akash Mahajan @[email protected]

⛳️ Founder CEO Kloudle, Appsecco
⛳️ Reformed security book author
⛳️ Ex-founder, Ex-chapter lead OWASP Bangalore

Codex OS @[email protected]

Creating the knowledge worker's OS.

'What is now proved was once only imagined.' (William Blake)

cesar the Bronzed Rat God @[email protected]

That resin blocchainz guy.

"Don’t be mean; we don’t have to be mean, cuz, remember, no matter where you go, there you are."
- Buckaroo Banzai

Ian Campbell @[email protected]

Security ops engineer, writer, voracious reader. he/him. Opinions here mine only. Autistic/depressed/anxious/hungry. Also at