Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 [email protected]

Open on

Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
BA in Persian language and literature
Host of Gemini Radio ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


𐑖𐑱𐑝𐑾𐑯 (Shaw Alphabet) 🦁 @[email protected]

Tooting in and about the Shavian alphabet, a radical and beautiful orthographic reform first proposed for English in 1962. (he/him) Australian 🏳️‍🌈 en/fr searchable

Karen Simpson @[email protected]

Grew up to the sound of the 56K.

Into computers, #books, #outdoors, #traveling.

Not into any kind of extremism, no matter how trendy. Not interested in US politics but their foreign policy seems to take an interest on everything.

Curious about #anarchoSyndicalism, #poliamory, #asteroidMining, built-to-last tech & #rightToRepair, #nuclearEnergy, #selfHosted software, #gemini & the #smallWeb.

Not a people person. FYI i've never used the bird site.

dokoissho @[email protected]

Media/subcultural research. Participant-observation of subcultural networks and practices.
Pronouns: he/him/his/


ssb: @8ahmd8g0VSGPBONgCwiz0BPfFV/HlfNL0wJ5PP6qaeY=.ed25519

Author, Cornelius's Fantasma (33 1/3 series, Bloomsbury Academic, November 2019)

faticake @[email protected]

English teacher and copy editor

Neekerbreeker 🇺🇸🇺🇦 @[email protected]

Chemist, science defender, medical writer. J.R.R. Tolkien, Ursula K. LeGuin fangirl but will read cereal boxes and ketchup bottle labels in absence of other material. ❤️ Classic rock, words, mythology/lore, clouds, maps, paleoanthropology, and the history of timekeeping 🕰️ (Profile banner, Irina Irbis, ArtStation)

չոլի վրչօ :lusikbysona: @[email protected]

this is an instance of a tech & art community of a library in a remote town of Stepanavan.

if i followed you, that means i value your stream and believe it has an educational value. following allows us to have your posts in our global stream.

thank you for letting us read you.

psydroid @[email protected]

B.Sc. student of Applied Physics and Computer Science. About science and technology, languages and culture and anything else that manages to captivate my mind.

Hiro 🦥💤 @[email protected]

I am in the process of moving into this account.
- @hnb
- @hnb
- @hnb

A person with #INFP and #HSP .
#Reader of things.
Learner of #Emacs .

日本生まれ、ペルー育ち、米国で10年越えの ATCK 。

🇯🇵 fluent
🇺🇲 fluent
🇪🇸🇵🇪 intermediate

Elizabeth @[email protected]

BA Linguistics, MA Eng Lit, PhD From School of Hard Knocks

ja2ui0 @[email protected]

Father, husband, obsessive tinker. Progressive, skeptic, secular humanist.

Perennially interested in all kinds of crafts, especially tech projects. Linux, Android, retro stuff, home based and hosted microservices, niche gaming. I work in the hybrid cloud k8s space.

My degree is in musical theatre. I like to sing and play guitar. I volunteer with the Outdoor Service Guides and enjoy camping with them.

My views are my own.


rvoza @[email protected]

Rvoza esperantisto | organizanto de privata esperanto-kurso PRILUMI por japanlingvanoj | ĵuriano de INK1 (2021) | premio Mauro La Torre (2022) | kunlaboranto de C2-nivelo de KER-ekzamenoj (2022) | Panteono de (2022) | kuirema kaj muzikema.