syseng • CCCHH • he/him er/ihn

mail: [email protected]
xmpp: [email protected]
fedi: @cg

• I'm also @tercean
• running for fun and no profit


Rince @[email protected]

School, Degree in scientific documentation, worked my hobby, went to InfoSec.
Civil Right activist, Open Source Software User, lousy programmer, Debianist, Singer (Tenor), loves books.

lubiana @[email protected]

Nobody puts lubi in a corner!

PHP developer and music nerd. I like a lot of stuff but understand very little

Pearl22 @[email protected]

leicht verpeilte linksgrünversiffte Mama mit Bürojob, Atheistin, Feministin, glücklich verheiratet, SciFi und Fantasyfan #FCKAFD #FCKPTN #TeamWissenschaft #MaskeBleibtauf #Solidarität mit 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦 #SlavaUkraini #BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights #JinJiyanAzadi
#ChronischErkrankt, Pronomen: sie/ihr,
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch
Intetesse an: Politik, vegetarischer/veganer Ernährung, #Verkehrswende, Serien & Filme, Kunst(-handwerk), #CatContent, Familienthemen

Stefan Bethke DECT 5250 @[email protected]

Computers, trains, electronics

Christian Grobmeier @[email protected]

Coding, Training, Writing. Member & VP of "The Apache Software Foundation". Wrote "The Zen Programmer". Likes #java #log4j #javascript and more. Audiophile/Composer.

Malte Stretz @[email protected]

Random networking and other IT foo with a whiff of social politics

mic @[email protected]

Infrastructuralist :nonbinary_flag: :asexual_flag: :anarchoheart2:

marble @[email protected]

embedded hardware and software engineer (both directions)

satta @[email protected]

Security tooling developer. Former bioinformatics guy. @ssatta on Twitter.

Geheimorganisation @[email protected]

Wir sind eine spitzbübisch feixende Mischpoke von imponderablen, dem Chaos frönenden und abgefeimten Frechdachsen, die allerlei Fisimatenten anstellen. 🏳️‍🌈