Ahoy! Moomin Enthusiast, baker, theoretical cyborg and actual filth. Heaven's perfect Vanguardist Hater. Could contain multitudes, in fact contains only one very large ude. Still holding out for the Great Rising of 1381. 4/10.

"horrible gremlin milf" "legally mandated big gay"



microfag @[email protected]


just a little guy who's a huge faggot

unprofessional trans guy

Autumn! :smooch: @[email protected]

:tranarchy: tranarchy.fish/~autumn/
manick pixie dickgirl
completely fucking insane

big! tall! sized!
vicious! ungulate!
hot! sexy! sterile!
suspicious! feral!

"very rude" -- my grandmother

"she's so tall, how is she so tall, she's 6ft3, she's the tallest woman we've ever met" -- some young folks