i do stuff, most of which does not involve the fediverse. she/her 🏳️‍⚧️



benthor @[email protected]

Professional Dreamer, a life written in a minor key. Romanticises misty northern forests.

dana @[email protected]

Living with large quantities of yarn, beads, fabric, and books. Header photo taken at the Chihuly Glass Museum in Seattle.

muirrum @[email protected]

CS student, trans & gay, somewhat poly

radio, hiking, film, events, networking, all the works

rowan @[email protected]

oh no it's them again


Serhii Shyman @[email protected]

Ethical hacker, tinkerer, father of three. Love hard challenges. Linux since 2.0.36, crypto since bitcoind 0.7.0.

Sebastian LaVine @[email protected]

I'm a CS undergrad at RIT. I write code and like to hang around other people that do too.

I also have a life.

smlckz @[email protected]

I like programming and mathematics

currently can program in C, maybe more languages later

Amelia 🏳️‍⚧️ Baeddelia @[email protected]

⚕️Informed Consent Providers: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1DxyOTw8dI8n96BHFF2JVUMK7bXsRKtzA&ll=26.199827571693255%2C-113.38234069999999&z=3
💉DIY HRT Resources: https://diyhrt.wiki
💊Abortion Resources: https://abortion.cafe

💤🐌💤Woman: Adult Human Dream Snail
🌈Liberation Not Assimilation
🏴Anti-State Prostate Enjoyer
🔨Putting The Ass In Asatru
🧠Cluster-B Bitch
🎲Fake Geek Girl
📱Got lost on the way to Grindr

Emma Tebibyte @[email protected]

Free Software Advocate
Way cooler than you
Founder of
Tebibyte Media
POSIX shell and Rust programmer

Alexey @[email protected]

I'm a smol developer/software engineer/however you call this. Mainly working with compilers and language design, also sometimes operating systems.

Facts about me:

* Uses Alpine Linux on everything
* Proficient in C, compiler development, Go, Rust, English, osdev (in that order)
* Likes number 42 for no good reason
* Also probably a terminal in real life

Livestreams: https://diode.zone/c/yyp_live/videos
