Sysadmin / Amateur radio / Telecom at large scale for a living.

Mostly random things, music, tech, ...


MattermostFR :verified: @[email protected]

Compte officiel de la communauté francophone @Mattermost • Du support communautaire et des actualités dans la langue de Molière ! 🧭 • CM : @wget

Aurora ✅ @[email protected]

Psicóloga de código abierto. Haciendo psicoterapia desde una mirada social y crítica.
#Psicología #Terapia #EconomíaSocial #Ciberpsicología #NoJoseos

Quawzilla @[email protected]

Happily married, mom, First Nations Lheidli T’Enneh, #MMIW, #DeadlyAuntie #Neurospicy ANTI FASCIST ALL trolls BLOCKED

KemoNine @[email protected]

generally confused maker / programmer / crafter / analog lifer

(this is my main account on fedi)

Doctor Deathray @[email protected]

Troubadour of Nowhere.

Do something different today. I dare you. Break your routine.

Whattup you neon raccoons, hydrogen ghouls, changelings, and everyday Nowhere punks? Doctor Deathray coming at you live on the radio waves surfing all the thin spots.

I'm a musician, audio engineer, and general odd person. Often I make bad choices.

Doole Giles @[email protected]

mind over matter

Gidi Kroon @[email protected]

TV addict, science fiction enthusiast, proud inhabitant of Earth (our only home).

Trying to show support for films, tv series, actresses and musicians I admire. Posting some tech and politics in between.

There's nothing wrong with fighting for social justice. Black Lives Matter. Gender equality. Fight for a sustainable use of environmental resources.

Posts by me are published cc-by, so they may be shared, boosted, reposted, reblogged, retweeted, etc. Posts and/or photos by others that I share remain copyright by the respective owners.

War on the Castle, Peace in the Valley🛡️🍉🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 @[email protected]

First they came for the 🏳️‍🌈
Then they came for the 🏳️‍⚧️
Then they came for the ✡️
1938 is now. Act!

Plain English Security Translator
Pronouns མོ་(རང་
Algonquin Confederation created American democracy. 🌊 #slavaukraine

"Man walks along the railroad track
He's goin' some place and there's no turnin' back...

The shelter line stretchin' around the corner
Welcome to the new world order!"

#violinist #guitarist #songwriter #CovidisAirborne
On #fedi b4 twit migra
#dogs #bitwarden #keepass #pgp
#writers #QubesOS #BSD #MX #RHL #zfs #btrfs

Not an "expert". #noindex :fedora:​ :ubuntu: :archlinux:​ ​ :tor:​ :tux: :freebsd:​ :protonmail :​:python:​ #OSINT #QubesOS

OK to re-toot on Mastodon/attribution is automatic to the OP.

No AI scanning @ photos!

Troll brigades expect your IP to be logged, referred to investigative deep state Marxist liberal Democrat FBI and Soros-funded think tanks and you will be cancelled/replaced; Maoist rehab until you learn some respect. ;-)

Jérémie Zimmermann🎶💗🧀🧉 @[email protected]

ᐸ3 Mostly offline - My life is music and music is life - Hacking with Care! @HackingWithCare /
Sings in showers / cheese / GNU / Berlin / / #8bit / #16bit / #TeamFerment / ex-@LaQuadrature

LA @[email protected]

Profoundly Pisces 🐟:: INTJ ⚖️:: Boy Mom :: A Longshank :: Fluent in Snark :: Foodie :: Swims With Manatees 🌴 :: ➡️ Twitter Refugee ::


Charles U. Farley @[email protected]

Father of two elementary school age boys living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Originally from Silicon Valley. Playing life on the easiest setting (white/cis/het). Atheist and anti-authoritarian. I make robot taxicabs.

Boosts = endorsement.
