OpenBSD user. I program in Rust, Python and Shell Script (I mean like someone who just learnt the chess rules would play chess, i.e. I am *not* a good programmer). I also maintain the gotosocial OpenBSD port.
I can also find me there: @Hukadan


Dr. Brian Callahan @[email protected]

Graduate Program Director, ITWS@RPI
I research digital humanities and cybersecurity pedagogy.

EN (native)/日本語(N4/N5 レベル)

#OpenBSD developer
NYC*BUG admin
I have been known to write articles for #ARRL #QEX.

XMPP: [email protected]

#Anthropology #Collaboration #DigitalHumanities
#HamRadio #AmateurRadio #HamR #InformationSecurity #InfoSec #CyberSecurity #CyberSec #professor #academic #academia

Nicolas ☠️ Vivant @[email protected]

Directeur de la stratégie et de la culture numériques (ville d'Échirolles)

Grenoble @[email protected]

Suite au rachat de twitter par Elon Musk, hésitez pas à me suivre sur Mastodon @grenoble

Yoan @[email protected]

🤖 Robotics engineer at Bordeaux INP & @EirlabCommunity fablab 👨‍💻 Opensource enthusiast 🤵 Freelance and computer science trainer 🐍 Python 🚲 Daily cyclist
🗨 I may chat about opensource, robotics, or random topics
Toots in 🇫🇷 and 🇬🇧

Aaron Bieber @[email protected]

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

[email protected] AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIHrYWbbgBkGcOntDqdMaWVZ9xn+dHM+Ap6s1HSAalL28AAAACHNzaDptYWlu

Franco @[email protected]

OpenBSD user Desktop. From Argentina with Cacao and Mate.

Lyne09🦉 @[email protected]

Venu prendre l’air

dch @[email protected]

Warning: may occasionally contain content. Consume in moderation.

Grégory Gutierez @[email protected]

Élu local Numérique et Citoyenneté à #Malakoff et collab des élu·es Écologistes & Socialistes au Conseil Départemental Hauts-de-Seine. Chez #EELV co-responsable du Comité des outils numériques et du GT Lutte contre l'antisémitisme.

Co-auteur du Manifeste pour la #laïcité du collectif "Laïcité un point c'est tout" en avril 2021. Auteur "Les aventuriers de l'esprit", Presses du Châtelet, 2006.

#EELVLutteContreAntisémitisme #TeamEELV #EELVComOn #MastoGreensFr #LaCommune1871 #velotaf #guitare

Luca Castagnini @[email protected]

Swim/bike/run/windsurf/inline skater, OpenBSD user, C programmer, patzer chess player, beginner clarinettist, dog-person, ex physicist ma soprattutto babbo
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