He/him or they/them, but not both. Formerly Swift at Apple, now at Signal.
(Was UINT_MIN on Twitter.)


Ben Lings @[email protected]

I write software. Formerly @ben_lings on Twitter

Nicolas Galland @[email protected]

Je bidouille toutes sortes de data pour trouver des réponses à mes questions

Trist @[email protected]

stupid takes relating to computers + electronics • MORSE @ MSFT • opinions are my own • 🏳️‍🌈 he/him

Ben Cohen @[email protected]

thwart leader

max mccarthy @[email protected]

People always tell me that I’m tall. I work on interaction prototyping at Apple.

✾, chief troublemaker @[email protected]

Switchy hypnokink top, Lady of dark repute, singularity upon the face of this shadowed earth, adjustably cogitohazardous, dorky Domme, senior engineer, loves Her own, marching toward dawn. (🔞)

Becca Royal-Gordon @[email protected]

Possibly the only poly trans lesbian compiler engineer who’s never worked on Rust.

Swift Language Workgroup and Apple Swift team. Basic Balmung miqo’te. SF Bay Area.

Björkus "No time_t to Die" Dorkus @[email protected]

🎇 Somehow Is A C Expert ✨ Smooches Unicode-kun 💕 The C Standard Cannot Be Replaced And Will Never Be Destroyed. 🧟‍♀️ Pixel Art is Cool ✨

Karoy Lorentey @[email protected]

Swift Standard Library at Apple