chronically ill and generally confused maker / programmer / crafter / analog lifer

see for more



Liam @[email protected]

Hi there! I'm a clown (really, professionally) as well as a dabbler in many forms of repair and creation, (and some computer touching stuff sometimes).
I have ADHD and talk a fair amount about neurodivergence stuff.
I love getting to know people, but if we haven't interacted, please at least dm me before following.

judoka @[email protected]

Quality shitposts at affordable prices.

hollie ☕️📚 @[email protected]

I love reading, sewing, laughing, bikes, boats, ukuleles, vegetarian cooking, watercolors, knitting & spinning.

👩🏻‍💻Currently doing the Frontend Dev path at Scrimba.

Enthusiastic about nature, puns, IndieWeb, tea, lichen, space, Japanese stationary, hobbits, social justice, solving climate change, naps.

Living in PNW w/ fibro & MECFS, anxiety, ADD.

GenX, happily married to @GregTitus, mom (one cis kid, one trans). Wears a heart on sleeve. Trans rights are human rights.


Annoying ppl since 85 :nkolul: @[email protected]

I create #Photography & #Poetry when I'm not upsetting uptight allistic ppl with my autistic bluntness.

Also into making #AIart these days. :3

:queercat_ace: :queercat_nb: :queercat_pan: :queercat_polyam: :queercat_pride:

* MS * ADHD * ASD *

They / She / Kitten

#NoBot #fedi22

duncan @[email protected]

I may not be well versed in leftist theory but I will do the dishes

i mostly post shit about lefty politics, guitar, music, languages, and computers

profile is locked but I accept nearly all follow requests


avatar is Chris Hannah from Propagandhi

ߋߡۺ৩֎ @[email protected]

be free curious and kind

Erik @[email protected]

I’m a programmer by trade. I read a lot of sci-fi and fantasy, run, garden, and play with fountain pens. he/him, Austin, TX, zone 8b or maybe 9a

TBF I post about my cats a lot.

Trans rights are human rights.


arch-packetmancer @[email protected]

An injury to one is an injury to all.

Has been kicked in the head by Michael W. Lucas

Not a Doctor.

Pronouns: He/Him

kropotkin @[email protected]


Admin de esta instancia de GotoSocial


Cuentas en Mastodon:

mamday @[email protected]

Academically physicist, have worked on firmware, data engineering, data science, cloud and database infrastructure. Here for anarchy and memes

Ardyvee @[email protected]

I like writing, music and playing video games. Sometimes, I make stuff too.

Sarah N. @[email protected]

Creator of webcomics like the Victorian horror romance The Devil's Trill, the dark fantasy drama Knell, and the completed vampire horror Daniel. R-rated stuff with violence/gore.