lesbian, trans, non-binary woman, she / her, white

backend engineer, #gotosocial dev, hacker. breaker of compilers, runtimes and Linux. catch me at events at Milliways / Chaos Coven

the only valid intolerance, is intolerance of intolerance. and milk

i love my (stinky) wife @goat

git: codeberg.org/gruf


:new_l: :fuecoco: :new_r: @[email protected]

just sixty thousand thembo bees in a trenchcoat

25, Fra/Eng, call me Julles or Bees please

on m'accorde/me conjuge de manière mixte fem/masc s.v.p.

I try and tag things that I feel need a CW, if there's something you'd like me to CW please let me know gently

"I'm not convinced you're solid on the idea of "categories"" -Mads
"julles i literally always regret replying to you" -Delta

18+ only

caleb @[email protected]

html/css dev - likes bread, coffee, and men

Peter Burka @[email protected]

Pro-transit, anti-prison. More bikes, fewer borders. Computers considered harmful. Aspiring sailor. Original photos CC-BY-SA.

Scott Feeney @[email protected]

The tech account of @scott.

Programming stuff here, bikes/transit/local politics over there.

Goat von Hellsite @[email protected]

Lizzie | she/they | your grace | 23

This is not a parody account. I am the real Goat™©® and I will Kill you

Main: [email protected]
Alt: [email protected]

Hey-da @[email protected]

A friend of the podcast. I like to make stuff, and find unusual uses for things.

Powers: a large amount of blood in her fingers, ability to draw lines with it, vines, wine

Dislikes: Lots of bugs and anything with legs.

Knows about the sizzle.

Disclaimer: Posts are frequently cleaned out.

eater @[email protected]

autistic and agender

does a computer

18+ i might be lewd behind cw


julia, doer of nap @[email protected]

⚠️ currently getting a lot of follow requests. if none of these apply to you don't try right now.
- queer
- leftist
- artist
- your very existence makes conservatives mad

again, if one or more of these apply feel free to follow.

:anarchopunk: • sapphic enby • antifa • poly • agent of chaos • time witch • full stack mad scientist • some kind of leftist • train enjoyer • probably dangerous • oxytocin addict • shitposter extraordinaire

violet :violet_cybrespace: @[email protected]

24. las vegas. college student just trying to get a degree in computer science, one failed class at a time. mi sona lili e toki pona. nimi mi pi toki pona li jan Pilete

tomi lahren called me a "godless queer" to my face and all i got was this silly line in my bio

my gf @katherine is very pretty

hrt: 2020-01-13
fediversary: 2018-10-05

not accepting follow requests from those under 18
feel free to follow req if you've interacted with one of my posts (or i've interacted with one of yours) !

⟨ :stv: | TakeV | :stoat: ⟩ @[email protected]

Anarchist hacker chick.
Co-admin of Solarpunk.moe
"Take Vee" or "Tak-ev", not "Take 5".

Probably a hex maniac robot.
I really do not like hierarchical power structures. Or hierarchies.

Seer of Light

mi toki e toki pona.
nimi mi li Sakilo.

Special interests: technology, indieweb, animation, political philosophy/activism.

Asexual transwomen lesbian. Vegan for lots of reasons.

💚 @MageofMip
💚 @juliana
:cyber_heart: @theotheroracle


X41 @[email protected]

i break computers and my sometimes my bones a little

tobi :thisisfine: @[email protected]

Things I am: queer, trans, non-binary, non-mono, aromantic, software dev, @admin of ondergrond.org. I post: All sortsa junk, including lewd/nsfw, so 18+ ONLY!

#nobot I don't consent to having this profile indexed or scraped.

I don't post or boost stuff without image descriptions.

This is a personal account, I don't accept that many follows. Please don't follow request unless we've interacted in some way before.

If you're looking for GtS updates go follow @gotosocial