
Admin de esta instancia de GotoSocial


Cuentas en Mastodon:





Mike Fraser :Jets: :flag: @[email protected]

Winnipeg Jets fan, New Westminster Royals fan, Progressive, Curmudgeon in training. Canadian ambassador to Mastodon.

categulario 🐍 🦀 🦎 🇵🇸 @[email protected]

I go on hikes 🥾. Ride a bike 🚲. Work with leather (mostly to make stuff I need) 🐄 and write software (for fun and for money) 💻

Consulting Software Archaeologist
Web Service Necromancer

Mi lengua es el español 🇲🇽
I speak English fluently 🇺🇲
ve Türkçe öğreniyorum 🇹🇷
Je voudrais apprendre le français 🇨🇦
நான் தமிழ் கற்க முயற்சிக்கிறேன் 🇸🇬

Joke Kaviaar (they/them) @[email protected]

Queer anarchist writer poet singer activist and one of Your Local Pirates

ruanac @[email protected]

💣📦 - hackthebox = m4t3xplo1t
💻🕵 - developer = algorithmic_resistance
💪💚 Veg = abolicionist

Free technologies enthusiast

Kurt @[email protected]

erfolglos cartoonist - Dibujo "Esto es Dantesco" para INTERFERENCIA.CL https://interferencia.cl/search/node/%27Esto%20es%20dantesco%27
y para Revista Trauko http://payhip.com/traukocomics

Escribo desde Berlin

davidochobits @[email protected]

¡Todos los bits caben en 8 bits!

StatusSquatter :squat: 🍫 @[email protected]

Cyber techno comunismo :heart_cyber:

( Squattus )

Marc Perez @[email protected]

Rolero, memero, tontolaba y pintamonas.

Desahogo Geek Podcast ★ 🎙 🇵🇸 @[email protected]

Podcast sobre Software Libre, Raspberry Pi, GNU/Linux, Android, Bitcoin y soberanía tecnológica.

David Neiwert @[email protected]

Investigative journalist based in the Pacific Northwest, senior staff writer for Daily Kos, SPLC veteran, author of 10 books, including 'The Age of Insurrection: The Ongoing War on American Democracy,' out in June 2023 (Melville).

pedalante @[email protected]

sou o que sou: um zero à esquerda.