Russia's war – The Kyiv Independent [email protected]

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GildedCage @[email protected]

Wordly Appalachian with Hoosier roots.

Nana of two, Mother of one, Wife of none.

Professor of Management.

G.C.Maxwell @[email protected]

Attorney and Author of Agent of Mercy The Untold Story of Dr. Archibald S Maxwell, Civil War Surgeon and Iowa State Sanitary Agent.

Stephen @[email protected]

I’m here today after quitting the other place. Musk is too much for me. Sometimes Interested in discussing politics. Animal lover, tree hugger. Teacher and lifelong learner. Veteran. Not interested in MAGA bull….

Onaquest @[email protected]

Just some dude who cannot escape socal

Djune286 @[email protected]

Wannabe polyglot. Dutch but currently residing in Bulgaria. Interested in current affairs, football, Ukraine, history, art and travel. I despise Trump and Putin. Mainly here to follow others.

az0zone @[email protected]

Anti fascist, Internationalist, human rights.
Oppose Brexit and FortressUK

Eric MacKnight @[email protected]

Teaching secondary school (English, mostly) since 1980. American by birth, Canadian by choice. Book list just starting at