Developer, import-Fries, meervoudig vader, professioneel moeilijkdoener, FAANG-verfoeier, hekelhebber aan eenheidsworstconsumptie, hondenmens, Android-liefhebber, OpenSUSE-fan, IOT-prutser, blogger, screeching voice of the minority. Patat/spaties/vim. Senior potato. Nederlands / English.

- Blogt op :dnzm:
- Heeft een alt op @doenietzomoeilijk
- Was Twitter al beu voordat dat cool was

Nieuw in de fediverse? helpt je op weg!



caleb × @[email protected]

🏳️‍🌈 enby hacker | working on #Linux mainline & #postmarketOS | Embedded kernel dev/Linaro intern | queer as heck

Daryl White @[email protected]

#techWriter at #MinIO
Posts about #documentation
Heads up the book club for #WriteTheDocs
#NextGen #Trekkie but stans #CaptainJaneway
Loves #SciFi and #Fantasy #books, but I'll also read about math, theoretical physics, philosophy, and an occasional religion tome.

Hobbies: #knitting, #yardWork, wannabe gamer, but I've never succeeded in doing that

#Dad to 3 humans and 2 #cats

Politics: well #left of center

Ian Betteridge @[email protected]

I am in yr internet, stealin yr headlines. Email: [email protected], or [email protected]

:barend: @[email protected]

Man in het midden van zijn vijftigers, kan dingen met computers, heeft hekel aan populisme, er is niks mis met flink deugen. Strijdbaar, vergevingsgezind, vergeetachtig, talige techneut. Meer fantasie dan mensen willen horen, zet elke dag 10 duizend stappen, gaat om 10 uur naar bed, houdt van boeken maar niet van lezen, houdt van muziek maar bespeelt geen instrument. Houdt ervan om alles simpel uit te leggen. Heeft een zeer gezond vertrouwen in het algemeen.

Saket @[email protected]

Pronouns: He/Him
@ClaudetteK’s husband.

Likes tech, SF/Fantasy, TTRPGs and good conversations. Often wacky. Mostly harmless.

I believe that we need kindness and connection to solve the challenges we face today. We also need the determination to do better & hold those accountable who put greed above a living, equitable world.

Marco Raaphorst @[email protected]

Maker van muziek en podcasts (o.a. voor NRC Vandaag).

I mostly Toot in Dutch.

Deep inside of me lives a child that wants to play. I love that child.

Jacob Ras @[email protected]

Android developer, music enthusiast

Eric Buijs @[email protected]

free/libre software, open data, open standards activist with a grudge against big tech, big IP holders and authoritarian governments.

I'm actively trying to stop the suffering of the animals and the global collapse of our ecosystem.

In addition I'm also a bicycle enthusiast. The bicycle is one of the most energy efficient ways of transportation and as far as I'm concerned the most fun way.

#freesoftware #3dprinting #bicycle #animalrights

Chadybara :chadybara: :gigachad1: @[email protected]

:gigachad1: :gigachad1: :gigachad1:

I am a super chad

I only post Capybaras.............

:cia: I GLOW IN THE DARK :cianig:

JP: フォローしてくれてありがとう.... フォローしてくれてありがとう。 カピバラだけ載せます

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK @[email protected]

Old roaming Tom Cat (zwerfkater) but still young at heart. Toots EN, (NL,FR,DE). #DevOpa - interested more in retro tech / culture / aesthetics than new stuff.

Welcome to the secret goose shed!