Just trying out GoToSocial, I like giraffes


swyx @[email protected]

i’m @swyx from twitter (see twitter bio location to verify). the mastodon accounts on other instances are NOT me.

PSA that most posts here are auto-crossposted from Twitter, but I *WILL* periodically check mastodon for your replies, because Elon sucks

Jonathan Matthews @[email protected]

A #cloud'y #linux #sysadmin in the UK. He/him & Pan.

Currently mucking about with #cuelang #plaintextaccounting #i3wm #selfhosting and #degoogle’ing by moving from ChromeOS to #devuan #linux on a pair of StarLabs laptops.

Very happy to talk about anything related (or adjacent) to tech; or anything unrelated - so long as it includes #respect for people and #empathy for folks feelings :-) #nobot

Marco Abis @[email protected]

Recovering entrepreneur - Runner 🏃 OSS & SDGs 🌱
Currently VP of Corporate Engineering @ air up

Amy Renee @[email protected]

All things networking and security.

Community contributor, sharer of knowledge, purveyor of puns, curator of amusement. Wielder of snark & sparkly bats.

#networking #security #snark #doggos #puns

Brightbox @[email protected]

Simple and flexible UK cloud infrastructure with awesome support.

#ruby #cloud #rails #devops #deployment #kubernetes

Jamal Mavadat @[email protected]

Technologist. Business Transformer. Musician. Husband. Father.

lockheed martini 🍸 @[email protected]

I direct lightning at clumps of sand and rock so they do things.

AE Currie @[email protected]

Author of SF Panopticon series. Lives in London.