I only look in here occasionally. Do not expect much interaction, for now I’m waiting out the “Freenode situation” over at Tw*tt*r. (OK, this turned out to be a lie. Apparently one has to follow people here early, because getting at posts of nōn-followees is a PITA.)
Languages: de-DE-1901, en-DE, some la, and I might understand some nl, es or similar.

Mostly interested in cats. Also, good coffee☕, garlic, cats, nature, European paganism, IT (but not those new-fangled hypes; I like my Korn Shell, Assembly, used to like C; I run VMs, not (never!) containers; I hate the way people try to force systemd upon other people and avoid it and other plagues), cats, music (baroque was the peak of all music, it went downhill from there: Beethoven and Mozart were the beginning of that; love John Rutter’s though, and Nightwish/Tarja…), cats, books, good fanfiction… oh, and, did I mention? Cats!
Dogs and SJWs are not welcome. I don’t come here for deep social discussions or something, so don’t bother me with these. Nor with *shudder…* politics.

My feed _will_ include RSS posts from other activity feeds of mine (posted via daily cronjob, not in real time, so their post timestamp is irrelevant) as well as RTs and no CWs. RTs are not my own content and belong to the original poster. I often RT posts I do not understand, e.g. in foreign languages, just because the picture is nice or something.

I run my own single-user (so far, but I might admit personal acquaintances if they really want) instance of GtS so some tech trouble may be expected. No custom “emoji” (really, colon-magic-strings, which I loathed on other platforms already), but longer posts.

I’m personnel to Čara🐈‍⬛ (a rescue cat, FIP carrier and FIV+ but so lovely). Black cats are the best! (Though she’s got white socks and bikini.)


b_chocolatey @[email protected]

Taking a sabbatical from all social apps for the time being. Later, guys

Lydia @[email protected]

Disabled, dog obsessed, sci-fi loving mum of two. Living in North RLP and trying to learn German (please forgive me when I get it wrong)

John "John Davies" Davies ✅ @[email protected]

Songwriter and Composer looking for a publishing deal.

Guitarist, ex Molly's Chamber.

Member of The Guild of International Songwriters and Composers

Member of The PRS

Go on, have a look at my YouTubes. Won't kill ya. Not straight away. Click "About", info there.

I have a sense of humour. Yeah, right.

#songwriter #songwriting #composer #composing #cats #music #musicIan #guitar #humour #jokes

Shan @[email protected]

I'm going to hell for something anyway; might as well be this. Don’t even try. I block like some people breathe. There are also cats. They are Maine Coons, and both are polydactyl. This is a bug, not a feature. More nails to trim.

Randy Noseworthy 😼 :debian: @[email protected]

Just another guy who started out with running a BBS on my first computer. I seemed to have aged along the way, and enjoy using Linux.

❤️ MrsNose was loved, and is missed 🕯️
💞️ https://tinyurl.com/2c2jucyq 💔️

#Widower 😞️ #Agnostic 📜️ #Stoic

Fan of...
The 4 Agreements

1: Be Impeccable with your Word.
2: Don't Take Anything Personally.
3: Don't Make Assumptions
4: Always Do your best.

“For fast-acting relief try slowing down.”
-Lily Tomlin


Romain Ruetschi @[email protected]

Rust • Scala • Haskell • Formal Methods • Distributed Systems • FP • Type Theory • InfoSec

Chris Torkewitz ♪ Music @[email protected]

💿 https://linktr.ee/christorkewitz
🎷¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯🎹 
#Saxophonist #Flutist #Pianist & #Composer at www.torkewitz.com 
Doctor of Musical Arts 
Prof & Educator 🇺🇸🇩🇪 Pronouns: he/him 
#jazz #saxophone #piano #composer #NewYork #producer #album #vinyl #music #musik #musica

Ponyo & Mina @[email protected]

French female felines (Paris)
#cats # #chats

Stuart Celarier @[email protected]

#CloudSolutionsArchitect at #Xpirit. Former #MicrosoftMVP and #MicrosoftRegionalDirector.

Teach #Juggling at #ReedCollege and helped create the #PortlandJugglingFestival.

Play #Mandolin as well as #Mandola and #Mandocello. Many musical styles, although a lot of jazz and swing these days.

Our garden is filled with #Rhododendrons and related woodland plants.

Known to take an occasional sip of sherry.

Andreas 'count' Kotes @[email protected]

Some men just want to see the world turn.


David M. @[email protected]

New account (formerly @davscomur) but the same old stuff. 
Piano, books, whiskey, and cats. So I’ll continue to continue to pretend my life will never end. He/him.