Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Personal blog:


Matilda Con A 💙 @[email protected]

Refugiada del ave azul.
Psicóloga de profesión madre por vocación. 🦖 🐲🐱❤
No le entiendo a Twitch 😐
Aprendizaje del Fediverso en proceso 🌟

The Byte Bender 👨🏽‍🦯 @[email protected]

I'm Ahmed from #Iraq 🇮🇶. I'm a #tech enthusiast, #poet(in Arabic), local #foodie, and lover of staying alive 🤣. I was born on Jan 6th 2004 and have been living life to the fullest ever since. I'm passionate about using tech to make the world a better place and exploring #poetry. I'm also a big fan of local #food - nothing beats the taste of a good traditional dish.

Hippo 🍉 @[email protected]

Co-editor of the 'Snipette' online publication. Also codes when he gets a break from #writing. He/him.

#xmpp #python #perl #xubuntu #linux #programming

marnanel @[email protected]

The dreams I plant in someone's mind may bloom as hope for humankind

queer, trans, autistic, Anglican, anarchist, poet, and full-time carer

José Manuel Delicado @[email protected]

Ingeniero del software y máster en ingeniería informática por la URJC. Consultor de accesibilidad tecnológica en Laberit.

Jose María Ortiz @[email protected]

Aprendiz de muchas cosas y apasionado de las nuevas tecnologías. Intentando que las cosas sean más fáciles de utilizar y accesibles a todas las personas

Yingtai @[email protected]

BDSM, books and missing links. Singapore, she/her, Xennial. ADD, long covid, mental health. Four-footed kitten furry!

I am my own avatar/banner artist. My avatar is a boxed A that looks like Chinese calligraphy, and my banner is Chinese calligraphy held in an open palm.

Boosts OK. But I have a lot of mute settings on. My apologies if you get caught in them.

jaBote @[email protected]

Pues qué queréis que os diga, me sigue dando pereza escribir otra biografía. Qué le vamos a hacer.

sofia the regular pumpkin ☮️🏴 @[email protected]

huge #nerd and cool-ass #bitch. #vegan #transhumanist, lefty market #anarchist, moral realist and friend of #entropy.

does #graphics and #language and #math and software (mostly #js) sometimes, speaks #english, #german and neglegable amounts of #lojban.


Hayden @[email protected]

All about #poetry and #prose.

Currently working on:
🚀a #scifi epic
📝#poetry (ecopoems, nature poetry, and others)

I'm a #devops engineer on my workdays, and am out in the woods (#hiking, and #cycling) at the weekends.

For publication history, visit my website.

Rosa Chacón @[email protected]

Me gusta el ajedrez, los animales si son perros grandes mejor, leer casi de todo, una buena conversación y una buena comilona. Si es en la playa mejor! También me gusta conocer personas interesantes, estoy casada así que no me refiero a que busque ligar.