Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Personal blog:


Robert Fromont @[email protected]

My thing is reducing drudgery for linguistics researchers, by combining and developing open source software.

Among programmers I'm a linguist. Among linguists I'm a programmer.


Mary Ann @[email protected]

musician, english teacher, volunteer translator, four languages speaker, celiac. My eyes are the rest of senses, but sight.

Pertti Usva @[email protected]

Padre, periodista y humorista viviendo cerca (unos 3500 km) de Polo Norte. ¡Mire Vd. mi vida en #Finlandia en, por favor! Cuando tenga tiempo pondre más videos.

Wil James @[email protected]

All around fun guy, love to read, play games, works with assistive tech, lives in Charlotte, NC. #grilling #charcoal #gaming #tech #technology #assiccessibility

Nick LS Whelan @[email protected]

Simple writer boi, doing the best I can.

Federico Mena Quintero @[email protected]

Co-fundador de GNOME, ciclista, carpintero, cocinero, cartógrafo, jardinero, él.

Trabajo en #gnome, #svg (mantengo librsvg), infraestructura de #accesibilidad.

GNOME co-founder, cyclist, woodworker, cook, cartographer, gardener, he/him.

I work on #gnome, #svg (maintainer of librsvg), #accessibility infrastructure.

Guillem Leon @[email protected]

22, he/they, #Spain by birth but currently studying in #England, #Classical #Piano student at Royal Academy of Music, #blind, hobbyist #Composer but if anyone from my conservatory asks shhhhh. Also do some occasional #Gaming and #Programming, nerd out over #languages, and tinker with as much #Retro #Tech I can get my hands on. Definitely should be #Reading more #Books. #Tea ftw. #Accessibility #A11y is important.

Zehra C @[email protected]

Global Justice | #Python, #FinTech, #InsurTech, #AIEthics | Previously Cinéphile, BBA, MA in Insurance, Short Film Director, #Running | She/Her

Reina de Ruinas 🔻🏛️ @[email protected]

''Ama, ama, ama y ensancha el alma'' ❤️💛💜
Mother of cats, animal lover 🐾🌱
A kind of magic 💫

Iván Novegil @[email protected]

📻#Periodismo Universidad de Santiago de Compostela || Vicepresidente / Gestión web y desarrollo @nvda || #A11y