Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using #GotoSocial






Gerry @[email protected]

American by choice, Scottish by birth.

Trying to take better photos, read more books, and write stuff I care about.

WylieCoyoteUK @[email protected]

Retired IT director, freelance writer, maker
Cornwall, UK. CIS, but no problems or prejudice for any sexual or gender orientations.

Amanda Clare @[email protected]

Senior lecturer. Enjoys metagenomics, bioinformatics, data science, databases, error analyses and writing code. Aberystwyth, UK. she/her.

Marie Neal @[email protected]

Interested in tech, crafts, taking silly photos, cooking, reading and learning stuff.

Lee Smith's Workshop @[email protected]

I like retro, 3d printing and just an old nerd.

Theolodian @[email protected]

I follow science, especially #SynBio and open source lab equipment as I am married to a Biochemist and find it fascinating. 

However, my main activity on here is the #Maker community. Like many I would make a living out of it if I could, for now it is a chaotic side hustle. I have 3D printers back to the Cupcake, and an industrial robot arm, but I only turn them on a few times a year. 🙄

Him/doofus/Mr. Wolowitz
Coventry, UK

boboh @[email protected]

Enjoys computing and emoting

Phil Barrett @[email protected]

Father of three kids who still don't appreciate most of my jokes. Baselight developer during the day.

Alfred Chow - Maker of Things @[email protected]

Professional maker, in wood and metal, from miniatures to museum installations. #MakersHour #ActuallyAutistic and a #Carer. He/Him #LGBTQI ally.
Currently building a community workshop in Salford, and writing the story of Harriet Board and Daisy Bell.

David Broadhurst @[email protected]

Professor of Biosystems Data Science. Director, Centre for Integrative Metabolomics & Computational Biology, Edith Cowan University. Opinions are my own.

Sarah Eaton-Hughes @[email protected]

Christian 🙏🌈🥹🙏🌹🥰
Work for B&Q in South Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 United Kingdom 🇬🇧 
Have one lovely son & love Baking Cakes & cooking great Meals! Bipolar