hopeful and mad about it. he/him, 34, pittsburgh. member of alphabet workers union, works at google, views are my own. pseudony.ms/


Rí Rua @[email protected]


None of my views are my own.
A Gael, a Teuchter but no fae Balinaheuchter.

I write typos and tragedies.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Gàidhealtachd, Alba.

Toots >1 year old are ♻️ #nobot

Rune, the Prime Neutral @[email protected]

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

Slowly moving from: mcd.dk/@rune

Young Chao @[email protected]

Formal petroleum engineer.
Currently working as a binary/forex trader. bitcoin investor and mining.

streetlight 🏴 @[email protected]

:heart_ace: :heart_aro: :heart_bi: :heart_nb:
still grieving
posts expire after 30 days

Michael Stanclift @[email protected]

Working at VMware to make customers lives a little easier :vsphere: Watches a lot of Star Trek, even the odd numbered movies and the new stuff :newtrek: I drink my coffee black and I drink a lot of coffee :veri_coff:

Happy to just let you be you 💚 vmst.io admin

darren is Not Going Back @[email protected]

Professional advocrat for walking/biking/rolling networks that are safe, comfortable, and connected.

i love #cargobikes, #bikes, #ebikes, #ProtectedBikeLanes, #cities, #VisionZero, #accessibilty, #urbanism. #yimby leaning. So many things improved by 🦪,🚲, & 🪕.

Just me, very much not my employer. #fedi22

PelotonAttacker @[email protected]

Show me your jokes you literary marauders and internet nomads!

Was lost in twitter exile for mocking Putin. I'm back my legion! I've missed you mfers.


Joshua Byrd @[email protected]

Software developer.
Data journalist.
Code and stories for ABC News Story Lab.
Sometimes musician/actor.
Husband and father.
Animal lover.
~~admin for https://bne.social with @ash~~
**single-user instance: @josh**

The Rat Goddess of Vengeance @[email protected]

DM when following (if it's not a follow-back or we're mutuals elsewhere) so I know you read my bio <3

:flag_pansexual:​ :transgender_flag:​​ :anarchist_flag:​

I love rats and trees; and I write poetry, fiction, and code sometimes.

"im going to obliterate u friend" - @dragon

💜 @TakeV

tussarit @[email protected]

abolition and education. sometimes hopeful.

:moth: :indalo: :moth_stars: @[email protected]

An Olde who left the fediverse and then came back again.

I make music with my spouse. (See link above)

I crochet, make stickers, read, have too many opinions about 70s-90s action films, and play videogames (Destiny 2, I mean Destiny 2).

I'm open to new followers, but please do the bare minimum of putting something in your bio and having posts (not just boosts).

Tankies? No thankies.