Alternative account of [email protected] ... just test-driving gotosocial and sengi


Hotaru @[email protected]

Lockpicking, Ham Radio, Electronics

"unterflauschte Kadse"


zem @[email protected]

I love open source, kajaking, folding kajaks and outdoor.

Sven @[email protected]

Potsdamer Chaos(treff) @cccp. Software-foo. Indieweb. OSM contributor. (he/him)

Sebastian⚡ @[email protected]

Eimer mit Profis bearbeiten ... oder so

larsan @[email protected]

Irgendwas mit diesem Stratum 0.

Matthias DL4MAT @[email protected]

Ham radio operator. I know. Quite the surprise. Try my Android Morse trainer "Dahdidahdit"! You can even practice sending with it. #qrp #MorseCode #cwops #lid #nobot Other than that my current ham life is basically just reading

glyf @[email protected]

slightly feminine bonfire of emotions // emboldened by the flame of transition

Ekki @[email protected]

Licensed 1974, ex GAF Horchfunker, CW, RTTY, SWL, APRS, Linux (Arch), Perl, STM32, electronics, motorbiking, books, cooking, eating, sleeping, wine.

DARC (F42), AGCW,,

also at @df4or

Parsley @[email protected]

electronics, KNX, ham radio, ...

Christopher | vanilla_chief @[email protected]

🎙️🎧Podcaster bei den Kulturpessimist*innen, Zeitspeise und L³

🔋🥤 Energy Drink Connoisseur

📝 3D-Drucken, Technik, Backen, Fermentieren, Geschichte, Philosophie, Personal Knowledge Management (und ADHS?)

👫 @genderbeitrag

✨ Wenn es einen Anlass zum Scherzen gibt, schmunzle ich gern einmal. | Truchsess der guten Laune! ✨