I make small 3D games (piesku.com), and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, product management, linguistics, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, previously at Mozilla. Also: Message Format Working Group Unicode.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.


Aaron @[email protected]

Long term lurker, unix (any) sysadmin. He/him

Open source; self hosted software; ecology; botany; photography

Experimenting with the Fediverse using experimental software - so stuffs are probably going to break.

Grégory Colpart @[email protected]

Gérant chez Evolix 💻, militant au PLUG et AOUF✊🏽💙, dév Debian 🌍, vélotaf 🚲, sportif du dimanche (rando/snorkling/plongée)🤿, tripoteur de vinyles 🎶, supporter CU84 🔥, localivore/végétarien 🍽️

Les Orchard @[email protected]

he / him; semi-hermit in PDX, USA; tinkerer; old adhd cat dad; serial enthusiast; editor-at-large for http://lmorchard.com; astra mortemque praestare gradatim

emeryberger @[email protected]

Professor, Computer Science, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. My students, collaborators, and I build innovative systems, especially focused on performance, reliability, and security. Among other things, I am also the creator/maintainer of https://CSrankings.org.

Twitter (while it lasts): @emeryberger
Home page: https://emeryberger.com
Lab page: http://PLASMA-UMass.org
* http://github.com/plasma-umass/{coz,scalene,more}
* http://github.com/emeryberger

Paul Irish @[email protected]

In '97 I wrote a paper for English class on HTML Image Maps. I haven't changed much since.

Paul Adenot @[email protected]

Noise maker maker maker at Mozilla

wunk @[email protected]

I'm Joey! I do art and lots of computer things!
Senior Graphics Engineer at riotgames
Opinions are my own!

Marcin ✌️:blobSmileSweating: @[email protected]

I like to create things. Often the things are Android apps. Currently working at Pocket/Mozilla. Białystok, Poland 🇪🇺

One of my pronouns is half a giggle. (h/t @stella)

naugtur @[email protected]

Working on supply chain security for JS. meet.js Poland organizer. Node.js user since v0.8.
Addicted to teaching.

Beetroot Paul @[email protected]

🎨 pixel art · 🔉 chiptune · 👾 game dev · 🇵🇱 · he/him // Getting used to Mastodon by posting my art content from 2021 and 2022, to hopefully reach "today" at some point 😄

J. Ryan Stinnett @[email protected]

Exploring how to make programs more malleable and computing more humane

My communities: Malleable Systems Collective, Matrix, Mozilla