#magyar #fedi22 #introvert #golang #plsql programmer.
Mostly harmless, quiet (toots rarely).

This instance uses #gotosocial


Paolo Lulli @[email protected]

Backend Developer | API Development | Java | Go | Unix | ML | Secure APIs for Industrial IOT project | Certificate Watch

Sacha Chua @[email protected]

Interests include: #Emacs, #OrgMode, #elisp, #nodejs, #python, #sketchnotes, #parenting, #cooking, #gardening, #knitting, #sewing, #lego, #captioning, #plover #steno, and #stoic philosophy. Originally from Manila, now in Toronto. Married to a Vim guy (go figure) and raising a 6-year old (editor preference unknown), along with two very loud cats.

Blog: https://sachachua.com (mostly Emacs News these days), sketches: https://sketches.sachachua.com. I also maintain planet.emacslife.com and subed.el

Nobushia @[email protected]

Interested in cybersecurity, Linux, front end web development and technology in general. 
Privacy advocate. I love free open source software.

Father of 3. 
I also enjoy video games, movies, collectible card games like Magic the Gathering, Star Trek, and reading. 

#cybersecurity #Linux #technology #privacy #videogames #magicthegathering #startrek #movies #reading #FOSS #mentalhealth #learning #webdevelopment

EBugat 🐾🐾 @[email protected]

-- Mottó -----------------‐‐------------------‐----
"...kergettem, ott maradt, cirógattam, elszaladt..." - napjaim egy pulival #nogradifulop
-- Zene, macska, kert, konyha -------
#nogradikertem #nograditigrincs #nogradipicur #nogradifolci #nogradicsopi #estizene #nogradikonyham
-- Sport, hobbi --------------‐----------------
#GoZwift #Garmin #beatyesterday
-- Egyéb --------------------------‐‐-------------
#atmoskazan #favalfutok #fedi22

Sajtos Lángos @[email protected]

Hungarian engineer, I like to cook, read, nearly all kinds of sports, and I'm also bit of a geek, who's into audiophile stuff.
#linux #opensource #NFL #F1 #scifi #politics

Mathieu @[email protected]

I studied astrophysics, I am a programmer, and I probably should have been a zoologist.
I do not eat animals.
You can also ask me about Perkeep, Traefik, and Yaegi.

steve @[email protected]

I solve more problems then I create. Senior Site Reliability Engineer at GitLab http://gitlab.com/steveazz Ramblings at https://steveazz.xyz

PRMA @[email protected]

Let there be code...
In Go.
And (my boss willing) in Rust. (Please?)
NixOS, Immutable, Backend and other stuff as well.

Christopher Hlubek @[email protected]

CEO and founder of networkteam GmbH

janope @[email protected]

wannabe berlini, wannabe villamosvezető, aki addig is budapesti és írogat.
szereti az arsenalt, az unicumot, meleg vízben dögleni és a depresszióját.

Ку :emojione_v2_bear_face_1f43b:🇧🇬🇪🇺 @[email protected]

I break things to see how they (don't?) work | I pass the butter | feed contains Bulgarian, да го еба | (де)бел хакер | !! и ≠ й ≠ ѝ !!

"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die... Come watch TV?"