Maker with code.


Thomas Potaire @[email protected]

Thomas Potaire – CTO & co-founder at – prev @twitter & @gamespot

Matt Turner @[email protected]

Engineer at Tetrate. Tweets about Service Mesh, WASM, etc. Likes tea.

pond @[email protected]

a fetid simmering pool. queer libsoc luddite tech nerd, forest spirit farmin on the edge of town. recreational DJ, recovering noise artist. budding ascetic

Matt Layher @[email protected]

Software Engineer at PlanetScale. Go, Rust, Linux, networking, and open source software. On and ever upward. he/him.

Paddy @[email protected]

Be the person Uncle Iroh knows you can be. Make it gay you cowards. Be gay do crime. Expect posts about babies. Lost boy.

Jeppe Fihl-Pearson @[email protected]

🇩🇰 in 🇬🇧
Infrastructure engineer for a living.
Dad, photographer and aspiring woodworker as a hobby.

Michael McLoughlin @[email protected]

Mathematical Software Engineer

Brian Monroe @[email protected]

SysAdmin at University of California (views are my own) Also doing stuff with guitars and music. :)

juno @[email protected]

n*zi programmers heck off

amateur #systems practitioner, californian exile

"the universe is made of stories, not atoms" -rukeyser

"realists of a larger reality" - le guin

i worked at twitter when it was good

(personal account, messy mix of topics and mindwanderings)

#AuDHD, #Books, #Cats, #Community, #Diagrams, #ExtremelyOnline, #F1, #Forests, #Fungi, #G, #H, #I, #J, #Kelp, #L, #Maladroit, #N, #O, #P, #Queer🏳️‍🌈, #Ravioli, #Sunyata, #TypeSystems, #U, #V, #Walking, #X, #Y, #Zen

Braxton Schafer @[email protected]

Kubernetes by day, assorted nerdage 24/7

Aww Cats :verified: @[email protected]

Welcome to Aww Cats!
Definitely a place for cat lovers. 🐱