The Kyiv Independent [unofficial] [email protected]

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Unofficial posting or The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine Website:


Blumen statt Autos @[email protected]

Ureinwohner Leonbergs, vor dem Auto-Terror über Baiersbronn irgendwo ins Loßburger Hinterland geflüchtet. #Schwarzwald

barefootdavid :toad:🏳️‍🌈👣🐾 @[email protected]

Microfarmer, Canadian-in-training, retired baker/stonemason/web designer, recovering blogger. Steadfast friend to all non-hooman companions. Shoes are tools. He/him.

Agnieszka @[email protected]

Nope. Still struggling with bios.

Polish. British. Wannabe grey woman. Former extrovert.

icuker @[email protected]

FCK Elon
Skaut, doktorand (sociologie), daťák, kecal, environmentalista, sociální demokrat

Chaucersbud :toad: @[email protected]

Observing, Listening & Learning mode

UncleStefan @[email protected]

Mensch im Mittelpunkt, Organisationsentwickler und Stratege, gesunde und liebevolle Kulturen in Unternehmen, Familienmensch, Zukunftsgestalter, Anti-Schwurbler