pronouns: she/her
this is my single-user fedi instance, consider it a beta


Lilian, Nest-Builder @[email protected]

Blue-haired Millenial in the US PNW. Personal, shitposting, work gripes, lewds, w/e. Say hi!

Directory tags: #mod, #queer, #trans, #polyam, #infosec, #antifascist

tired blip @[email protected]

Part software developer, part sailor, part music enthusiast, part competitive robotics commentator and referee. Happiest where saltwater and mountains are both nearby in the physical world, and in human-scale, thoughtful communities in the digital realm.

Follows are by request due to the Eternal September phenomena (see preference for human-scale, aka smol, communities above). Merveillians or IRL friends exempt, everyone else DM with an intro for best odds of approval. Cheers!

Даша, подруга ворон @[email protected]

Anarchist nonbinary transfem genderpunk in chronic pain
Does stuff with computers, radios, cameras and musical instruments

Follow requests are fine, but I might not accept all of them, especially not from more or less empty profiles.



Talya (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️✡️ @[email protected]

trans, lesbian, nerd, classical composer, somewhat techie, kinda cute. i'm basically Wendy Carlos but significantly less cool. will swear in toots.

ask me about toki pona!

profile picture picrew link:


Your friendly 'net denizen @[email protected]

Interests: programming languages, open platforms, art, craft, diy, and justice. #nobot

Ember :autism: @[email protected]

23 year old white anti-racist

Autistic :autism:
Queer :_gayheart2:
Nonbinary :heart_nb:
Aromantic Asexual :heart_aro: :heart_ace:
Relationship Anarchist :ra:
Gender Non-Conforming

Liberation for all

All things with love :teal_heart:

Profile picture: picrew by @PRINSEA of a black bear with round glasses in a teal flannel and teal cap wearing a nonbinary pin.

header image: nonbinary crossbow by @Qwyrdo over the nonbinary flag