How to Import Customer List Into QuickBooks Desktop?

import customer list into quickbooks desktop


Welcome to our blog post on how to import customer lists into QuickBooks Desktop! If you’re a small business owner or accountant looking for a seamless way to transfer your customer data from QuickBooks Online to QuickBooks Desktop, then you’ve come to the right place. We understand that managing and organizing your customer information is crucial for maintaining a successful business. That’s why we have put together this step-by-step guide to help you effortlessly migrate your valuable customer list. So let’s dive in and make the transition smooth and hassle-free!

Export Customers from QuickBooks Online

Exporting customer data from QuickBooks Online is a straightforward process that allows you to seamlessly transfer your customer list into QuickBooks Desktop. With just a few simple steps, you can ensure that all the necessary information about your customers is accurately imported.

To begin the export process, log in to your QuickBooks Online account and navigate to the Customers tab. From there, select the “Customer Center” option and choose “Export Customer List”. You will be prompted to select the file type for exporting – either Excel or CSV.

Once you’ve selected the desired file type, click on “Export”. The system will then generate a downloadable file containing all your customer data. Save this file to a location on your computer where it’s easily accessible.

Now that you have successfully exported your customer list from QuickBooks Online, it’s time to import it into QuickBooks Desktop. Open up QuickBooks Desktop and go to File > Utilities > Import > Excel Files. Select the previously saved exported file and follow any additional prompts or instructions provided by the software.

By effectively exporting and importing your customer list between platforms, you can streamline your accounting processes in no time!

Import Customers into QuickBooks Desktop

Import Customer List Into QuickBooks Desktop is a straightforward process that can save you time and effort. Whether you’re transitioning from QuickBooks Online or looking to update your existing customer database, following these steps will ensure a smooth import.

First, start by exporting your customers from QuickBooks Online. In the Customer Centre, select “Excel” as the export type and choose the appropriate data range. Save the file to your computer for easy access during the import process.

Next, open QuickBooks Desktop and navigate to the “File” menu. Select “Utilities” and then “Import.” Choose “Customers,” followed by selecting the Excel file you saved earlier. Ensure that all necessary fields are correctly mapped before proceeding with the import.

If you encounter any issues during this process, don’t panic! Troubleshooting common problems like formatting errors or missing information is relatively simple within QuickBooks Desktop’s import tool. Refer to Intuit’s support resources or consult with a professional if needed.

To summarize, importing your customer list into QuickBooks Desktop is an efficient way to manage your business records effectively. By following these steps and troubleshooting any potential hiccups along the way, you’ll have a seamlessly integrated customer database in no time at all!


Troubleshooting can be a frustrating but necessary part of importing your customer list into QuickBooks Desktop. If you encounter any issues during the import process, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve them.

First, double-check that your customer list file is in the correct format for QuickBooks Desktop. Make sure it is saved as a CSV or Excel file and that all required fields are included.

If you receive an error message while trying to import the customer list, carefully read the message and try to identify the specific issue. Common errors include missing or mismatched data fields, duplicate entries, or invalid characters in names or addresses.

To fix these errors, review your customer list file and make any necessary corrections. Pay close attention to formatting inconsistencies or missing data points. It may also be helpful to use QuickBooks’ built-in data validation tools to check for common mistakes.

If troubleshooting on your own proves challenging, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance from QuickBooks support forums or consult their help documentation. They have a wealth of resources available that can guide you through more complex troubleshooting scenarios.

Remember, patience is key when troubleshooting technical issues like importing a customer list into QuickBooks Desktop. By following these steps and seeking guidance when needed, you’ll be able to successfully import your customers and stay organized with ease!


Importing your customer list into QuickBooks Desktop can help streamline your business operations and ensure accurate record-keeping. With the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can easily export customers from QuickBooks Online and import them into QuickBooks Desktop.

Remember to review and clean up your customer data before importing it to avoid any potential issues. Additionally, make sure to choose the appropriate file format for importing, such as Excel or CSV, and follow the correct mapping process during the import.

If you encounter any difficulties during the import process, refer to the troubleshooting tips mentioned earlier in this article. These solutions should help address common issues that may arise when importing a customer list.

By successfully importing your customer list into QuickBooks Desktop, you’ll have all your important client information readily available at your fingertips. This will enable you to efficiently manage billing, track transactions, and provide exceptional service to your valued customers.

So go ahead and take advantage of this powerful feature in QuickBooks Desktop to enhance your business’s efficiency and productivity today!