Why YouTube isn't a good option for rational people, and for people in search for a well-informed opinion 

How YouTube helps polarization in politics, thus restricting possibility of a better political environment

Democracy is obviously the natural and most sustainable way of politics. But, here in India, we’ve got many problems — caste problems, religions’ issues, people playing the card of fake secularism to appear great, people making extravagant claims about nationalism to overlook practical stuff etc etc……………………..

YouTube is a big bad bully in this regard. I don’t take sides, at least in politics, because almost every guy there is filth I know for sure. Last week, I searched for and watched some Saffron related videos ( Saffron means related to Hindutva and  that term isn’t as scary as you might think). Now YouTube keeps on popping up only these guys’ channel — I’m stunned. How am I supposed to know the voices of the other parties ? It’s how YouTube is helping to POLARISE people, and creating silently, a communication gap that has already started showing its misanthropic effects on politics, at least in India. :( This is absolutely a flaw in such algorithms which show feed based on users’ activities. My friend, who is a wise guy ( less wiser than me :) thinks democracy is indeed the rule of illiterate, misinformed, manipulated masses. And yes, he’s true. I agree with him is the point that he tries to limit democracy to the educated ones ( I know you’re thinking of “Animal Farm” :), I want to educate the masses so that democracy truly becomes the rule of the people, people with reasoning ability and well-balanced views :). Tell me how this can be done without the heavy usage of Free Software that support Free thinking and collaboration culture ???

EDIT: I confirmed my thoughts as I watched a few videos of Dr. Zakir Naik, a Muslim scholar from India, and guess what 😂, now his face keeps popping up in the welcome page …