0hlov3:apple::endeavouros_logo: [email protected]

Open on gts.fsociety.social

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Matrix: @0hlov3:fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3
MainAccountOf: @0hlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.


Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :ablobfoxbongohyper: @[email protected]

Horrible coder, Attempts UI Design, "Cascading Stylesheets Injection Hacker", G4M3R, introvert, likes privacy & creating even though I'm not very creative.

May repost un-captioned images, will try to caption my own

Check out Mastodon Modern:

Moved from
@[email protected]

#fox #foxes #css #design #webdev #misskey (#fedi22: https://fediverse.info/explore/people)

𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓨𝓾𝓶𝓲𝓴𝓸♥ @[email protected]

♥ Solitary Girl ♥ Loves Cute Things ♥ Sometimes Kinky ♥ Loves To Love ♥ Great Dreamer ♥ Maid @ SweetHeaven ♥ Antirascist ♥ Antifacist ♥ ⚧️🌈 ♥ Mostly She/Her ♥ Living in Marçan, Berlin, DE ♥

CryptoParty Berlin @[email protected]

Wir veranstalten #CryptoParty s in #Berlin. // We organize #CryptoParty s in #Berlin.

Quincy @[email protected]

pronouns: he/him

Errare humanum est sed perseverare diabolicum

Trying to be positive, not always succeeding.


Human rights are universal; kein Mensch ist illegal; mehr rechtsfreie Räume!

#adblock #antipub. I endorse @hhwerbefrei: #adfree cities for people, not brands.

life is too short, #kunst / #art is long.
based in eu; nerd, technikfolgenkritisch, #netzpolitik. software engineer.

This avatar might not always know answers to personal questions ;-)

0hlov3 @[email protected]

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Matrix: @0hlov3:matrix.fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3
BackUpOf: @0hlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Aoi K. @[email protected]

Interim owner of https://chaotic.ninja and sysadmin of https://shelltalk.net. Used to be `novaburst` in the distant past.

esquermita @[email protected]


una gusana bonita

posts not approved by the fda

antifascist anarcocksucker

follow me into the woodchipper

niels @[email protected]

Ich bin Halter zweier Meerschweinchen deren Haltung mein Hobby ist.

:digitalcourage: Damien @[email protected]

„JavaScript ist die Vaseline der Tracking-Industrie!“ - Autor.in unbekannt
„Respekt muss man erwerben. Unterwürfigkeit gibt es gratis. Oder auch nicht.“ - Autor.in unbekannt
„Ein Zahmer singt von Freiheit, ein wilder Vogel fliegt!“ - OK KID (2016)
„Unsere Taten werden nicht in Scheinen gezählt!“ - Fard (2016)
:xmpp: :peertube: :opensource: :nextcloud: :mastodon: :linuxmint: :gimp: :firefox: :fsf: :fedilab: :fdroid: :duckduckgo: :cc_by: :cc_nc_us: :cc_sa: :android:

Flor @[email protected]

🌼 Sumer enthusiast
🌼 Wetlands conservation carer
🌼 Crane fan
🌼 Tortoise dragging my tail through the mud
🌼 Learning Frisian

grmbl @[email protected]

arts, crafts & nerdism/diy/„neozapatism“sexta/hehim/"baumarktlover“/kaffeekippekacken/penNpapergames/&more🥂🦑🏴🏴‍☠️🐜

Flor @[email protected]

Sumer enthusiast
Wetlands conservation carer
Crane fan
Tortoise dragging my tail through the mud
Learning Frisian

I am also
@[email protected] and @[email protected] .