0hlov3:apple::endeavouros_logo: [email protected]

Open on gts.fsociety.social

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Matrix: @0hlov3:fsociety.social
Pixelfed: @Ohlov3
MainAccountOf: @0hlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.


Fredrik slightly @[email protected]

Interesse for esport, Linux og Kubernetes

Pope Bob @[email protected]

Officially, I am Often High Pope Bob Dobberson, but Pope Bob rolls off the tongue so well.

I'm a "hacker" with years of experience with unix systems, and knowledge of more than a handful of programming languages.

My interests are building class consciousness, cyber security, and kink. I have a separate profile for the kink.

You will not like everything I say. Have patience while we learn together.

No gods, no masters, some irony.

Lemmy @[email protected]

Updates about the Lemmy Project

Account is not actively monitored, use Matrix for support: https://matrix.to/#/#lemmy-space:matrix.org

Retronom On Tour! @[email protected]

Hallo zusammen! Wir sind Sandra und Matthias, wir veranstalten auf dem Weg zur Arcade-Bar bunte, aunthentische Retrogaming-Partys! Besucht und bucht uns: www.arcade-bar.de

ch3rr1 🍒 @[email protected]

Oberpfälzer Moidl Lvl 35
Coffeeaddicted ☕
warte sehnsüchtig auf das -irgendwann-

Banner by @Tami

amaz1ng @[email protected]

Open-Source | Linux, coding, hardware, drones, µComputing, IoT, Freifunk

NoNazis | Demokratieliebhaber | Aktivist | Selbsthilfe | Vegan | Klima | CarFree | DNR | WrongPlanetSyndrome | Agnostiker

Freedom | Free Mind
''Global denken, lokal handeln!''

#NotJustSad #Depression #PTBS #COPD #LongCovid #fedi22
Anon-Groups: #AA #NA #EA #EKS

🦩 Alexia Powder 🦩 @[email protected]


Unlike others I don't want to destroy pink, I just want it to be just another colour option.

Hay quienes quieren destruir el rosa, otras queremos que solo sea un color más.

Gestora de la 🌺 Lindocracia 🏖️ de Lili.

Frank @[email protected]

#Nerd #Geek, #Rollenspieler #Antifaschist #NoPoMo #Anarchist #StraightAlly #IT #pnpde #Musiker #Synthesizer #Gitarre

"Fieser Frank aus Ostwestfalen" im rheinländischen Exil ;).

Oft große Klappe, denkt, er hat die Weisheit mit Löffeln gefressen, aber ist sich dessen bewusst ;).

Eigentlich netter Pflanzenfresser.

Pixelfed: @Der_Frank@pixelfed

Milo @[email protected]

Probably doing something #lewd (18+)
Often #nsfw but mostly demi
#Queer af
Enjoying a quiet life after decades of being an unmedicated threat to myself and others
I like dads but the wholesome kind not the "call me daddy" kind

teto @[email protected]

tech junkie - newbe to osint and cyber security and a part of #ccc 
when I'm offline, you find me hiking or hiding.

Swansea Worker @[email protected]

Author and photographer. Prepare to see lots of Swansea and Gower pic.

You can find more of my writing and photography at https://www.pixie-led.co.uk

Kurt🕴️ @[email protected]

Make cool stuff just because. I run things at https://tardis.systems