hello yes i am a hamster.

amab enby, he/she/they, 44, EDT, parent, bun wrangler

Profile pic: hamster with cool shades.
Background pic: female char aznabel, also with cool shades.

<img src="img/CONSTR~1.GIF" align=center><br>
This homepage is <b>UNDER CONSTRUCTION</b><br>
<img src="img/DIVIDE~1.JPEG" align=center><br>
You are visitor <img src="cgi-bin/Count.cgi"><br>


Sylvie (she) :verifiedtrans: :verifiedbi: 👑 @[email protected]

Rust software developer from Vienna, Austria.

I like to self-host a lot of stuff, including this (my) Fedi instance, and finally decided to move here from the lovely bsd.network instance.

Cliché autistic transfem programmer if anyone cares. I may still be trying to figure out my gender, but at least I have my socks.

meowy catgirl @[email protected]

nyaaa~ | it/its | 25 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok