jan mute suwi lon poka sina [email protected]

Open on friend.camp

plural and confused. not all of us are human.

late 20s white

wei/muis/muir are first person semi-collective pronouns, we use them interchangeably with I/me/my and we/our


DysphoricUnicorn🪿 @[email protected]

Very queer (relationship) anarchist tech worker who also has interests that don't involve their work.

New profile since cybre.space is going down. Old account was @[email protected]

Pronouns: nin/nins, they/them or she/her

🦊 Adelie, et al. 🌳 @[email protected]

she/they, nonbinary transfeminine plural system, (mostly) lesbians, aceflux?, polyamorous, autistic, anarchists, goofy, geeky (computers, audio/music, sci-fi), caring.

New account but not new to the fediverse.

Chronologically 40ish but mentally/appearancewise 25/30ish (thanks plural/queer time and/or estradiol :P).