Der Blog von @[email protected]


Hamiller @[email protected]

Software-Developer, Social Networks, Social Media, Weblogs

Mein besonderes Interesse gilt dem Einfluss digitaler Technologien auf unsere Gesellschaft und wie wir damit umgehen.

Fabian Schaar @[email protected]

Hallo, mein Name ist Fabian. Ich bin interessiert an freier Software, Politik, Netzkultur und damit natürlich auch am Bloggen allgemein.

nehrka - RIP Natenom @[email protected]

Fährt gerne #Lastenrad. Kommt aber zu selten dazu das #Bullitt auszufahren. Dafür muss das #Chike als Kindertransporter häufiger ran. Wird manchmal zum #Kampfradler. #Verkehrswende #Autokorrektur #AuchAutofahrer #FCKPTN #FCKAFD #Ubuntu #Nextcloud

Real Social Networks @[email protected]

Tor zu den wirklich sozialen Medien

Liebevoll, handgeschriebene Reposts von der dunklen Seite der Macht ...oops... Social Media


Gateway to the real social media

Lovingly, handwritten reposts from the dark side of the force ...oops.... Social media

#Fediverse #Matrix #Fairphone #Mastodon #Pixelfed #FOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #fedi22

danimo @[email protected]

Pixelschubser für Bewegtbild. Privat meistens mürrisch. F84.5. Antifa. 🌈

:thilo: @[email protected]

Software-engineer-turned-manager tooting about Linux, containers / kubernetes and cloud things, and occasional photography and gaming.
Works on Flatcar Container Linux.

Mike @[email protected]

🔓⛲• Open Source
🐄🐻🕸️es • Kubernetes
🐧• Linux
💨☀️⚡• Erneuerbare Energien
🔋🚗 Ξ • Elektromobilität, M3
💡🏠 • Smarthome
🤘• Rock
📷 • Photographie
🎙️📡📻 -.. .... ....- .-. -- • Ham

💙, Mike

Mauritius Stein @[email protected]

Hallo und Willkommen auf meinem Profil,
ich liebe alles, was kreativ ist, vom Handwerk bis zur Lyrik, von Yoga bis Technik.
Gerade lerne ich fediverse in all seiner Vielfalt. Wenn ich hier Freunde finde, freue ich mich.
Meine fediverse-Profile sind
mastodon: @[email protected]
Plume 1:
Plume 2:

🏳️‍🌈 Swabian* @Köln born in 🇪🇺
⚖️ Law, Science, Physics, Politics
🖥️🧬 🧪🔬📡 🇺🇦

hackbyte (friendica) @[email protected]

that hackbyte

you're now part of my extended virtual living room....

Behave! ;)

My old account was on pluspora.


Here follows a copy of my original pluspora bio:

# #ADHD, #cPTSD, #OCD, #FAE, #Borderline, #Maniac, #Depressive, #Extrovert…

### #Whatever #label this #world needs to describe #people #like #me…

## #Inert, but #highly #explosive! #Extrovert, but #full #of #secrets…

# **I used to be the The Safety Cut Rope Axe Man.**

_But, i no longer can stand against humans._ **I** have to go on and get **MY* _very own stuff_ back in a state which is maybe worth living… Which is impossible on this pile of shit, you call a #planet…

### **I’m not simple minded, but i have simple needs … whilst being highly complex and complicated at times…**

I #hate this world and #this #humanity, #because they #expose me to #expectations i #can #not and #want #not #fulfill…

I’m #misogynistic #biased because i have #reasons for that, i’m anti-feminist for a lot of the same reasons and tons of reasons more. I don’t hate women at all, i just hate #most #of #the #humans #on #earth and **_there are groups attacking people like (me) more than others. People which try to force me into roles and behaviors which do not fit._**

### I can only #respect #humans which #treat #me #with #respect and it is #completely #irrelevant #which #gender you are. #Respect #me #so #i #can #respect #you!

#### **Never expect me to obey your rules. My rules are all based on common sense and pro life, not pro human.**

I’m so #depressed at #times, that i can not #see #anything #positive. In #these #times, #i #tend #to #be #unfair #and #way #to #harsh.

#But #i’m #still #here, you can #call #me #out #every #time and #for #whatever #i #did.

#### I #steadily #try to #do #the #right #thing, but #no #one #cares, so #i #can’t #care #at #all #times.

### **Just take that, you’re part of the problem on this planet. If you’re not, you are more welcome than all others, but understand that you have to prove that first.**

#### I helped so many people in my life. Giving shelter, a warm shower, some food, a warm bed, connections to the outside world and to get more help.



### #In early 2019 i finally moved out of Google Plus joining the #fediverse, so know, everything is different and anything is still the same (humans did not change at all, things still get worse day by day).

On the Bio for G+ i wrote something about that i might follow you for some random reasons
whenever i learn someone new … in #fediverse, a lot of things work #different, but #anyways, it might happen to you, that i follow you. If that is the case, it’s because i’ve chosen you to be part of my very own stream because you seem to enrich it. ;)

Where you can find me somewhere on the internet:

[Where to find me?](

[hackbyte @ somewhere on the internet (duckduckgo)](

[hackbyte @ somewhere on the internet (google)](

#hashtags i use more regularily than others (in no particular order):
#opensource #music #linux #emotimes #randomshit

I’m interested in (randomized on purpose):
#sciencefiction #fck-nzs #puns #gplusdepression #nature #borderline #ESA #scifi #freedom #geekery #security #humor #respect #burgers #python #admin #artist #music #currentevents #geekyish #freesoftware #astronomy #maths #knowledge #challenger #bash #randomshit #creative #googleplus #linux #inspiration #ingress #nap #social #internet #astronomie #dogs #katzen #lobbyimus #digital-artist #german #nsfw #books #cat #software #weed #feediverse #sozial #humorous #resist #information-technologies #opensource #artificialintelligence #research #ai #starwars #creativecommons music-addicted #cats #lgbtq #ptsd #rights #adhd #lofihouse #film #caffeine #bitcoin #penguin #reading #quotes #coder #inkscape #coffee #beer #environment #library #aviation #taz #spacex #movies #reading-makes-sexy #futureofwork #atheism #art #spacetravel #netzpolitik #reading-is-fundamental-and-sexy #nachtmensch #nerd #poems #technology #luftfahrt #housemusic #strange #learning #html #linke #groove #dtp #amateur-photography #cptsd #technik #science #scribus #ripgoogleplus #tech #physik #kindness #community #doctorwho #tea #programming #space #insane #memes #http #it #privacy #diaspora #perl #wissenschaft #deutsch #physics .oO(*to be continued..*)

Schnurrfrequenz @[email protected]

Gleichgültigkeit, Ignoranz und Vorurteile töten Lebewesen. Täglich. Überall.

Keine Toleranz für Nazis - schon immer.

Klima, Ökologie, DIY

Eine Welt ohne Nationalitäten wäre mir am liebsten, in der sich Menschen nicht wegen Religion/Nation/Gier/whatever gegenseitig abmurksen.