Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 [email protected]

Open on

Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
BA in Persian language and literature
Host of Gemini Radio ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tad Lispy @[email protected]

Web dev, happy ex-lawyer, contrarian 🤕 Based between #Amsterdam and #Utrecht. An #Internet enthusiast also interested in people, #sailing and appeltaart.

Elizabeth @[email protected]

BA Linguistics, MA Eng Lit, PhD From School of Hard Knocks

tomasino @[email protected]

Reader of things. Interested in the small internet and people's passion projects.

🇮🇹🇺🇲➡️🇮🇸 @[email protected]

Hi! I like lots of things, and I post them here when I remember to.

- permaculture
- 3d printing
- web programming
- smolnet

anti-capitalist & anti-fascist

Liroy Leshed @[email protected]

Founder & CEO of Bonfire: Simple Project Management Software and will premiere in 2023. [email protected]

northernlights @[email protected]

anarchist, mycophile, chaotic bisexual, he/him, all your bass are belong to us

rvoza @[email protected]

Rvoza esperantisto | organizanto de privata esperanto-kurso PRILUMI por japanlingvanoj | ĵuriano de INK1 (2021) | premio Mauro La Torre (2022) | kunlaboranto de C2-nivelo de KER-ekzamenoj (2022) | Panteono de (2022) | kuirema kaj muzikema.

psydroid @[email protected]

B.Sc. student of Applied Physics and Computer Science. About science and technology, languages and culture and anything else that manages to captivate my mind.

Helioso Novako @[email protected]

Saluton. Mi estas komencanta esperantisto kaj doktora studento. Mi loĝas en Usono, sed mi eble volas foriri. Mi ŝatas lerni pri fungoj, ludi videoludoj, kaj mia kato. Li nomiĝas Bakisto (Baker). Mi havas koramikon-- ne, ne havas koramikinon. Parolu al mi, sed estu pacienca.

🇺🇸 | 🏳️‍🌈 | 🍄 | 🔬 | 🎮 | 🐈 | 🖋️

senders @[email protected]

I am using Mastodon as a filter for all my thoughts so my partner doesn't have to listen. 🏳️‍⚧️

Now that I'm in my 30s I've realized my social circle is /very small/ and I use my personal website, gemini capsule, and mastodon to trick my brain that social interaction has occurred.

Locked but usually will follow back 😎

#linux #programming #java
#music #funeraldoommetal #homerecording #guitar
#trans #queer #bisexual
#fountainpens #gemini

(6m post deletion FYI)