Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 [email protected]

Open on

Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
BA in Persian language and literature
Host of Gemini Radio ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


tomasino @[email protected]

Reader of things. Interested in the small internet and people's passion projects.


Rohit Farmer, Ph.D. @[email protected]

Son, Husband, and Dad
#UoB #Birmingham #UK #Alumnus

9 am to 5 pm:
#ComputationalBiologist #DataScientist #MachineLearning #Quarto
#Maryland #USA

5 pm to 9 am:
#Crypto & #NFT #Enthusiast

#Swimmer #Paddler

Rohit = Row Hit
Swatantra (Hindi) = Free as in Freedom

#Gemini capsule: gemini://

Note: some toots older than a month are autodeleted.

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 (alt account) @[email protected]

Coffee drinker, reader, geocacher, widow, pen pal,
Late husband described me as amalgam of Uma Thurman and Crow T. Robot.
Current active member of Moderation Team
SDF is a community platform for inspiring, facilitating and implementing new ideas.
SDF member since Nov 28 2014. Made from stars, headed for dust. Cinephile de "film mute" #nobot
XMPP: [email protected]

Kévin ⏚ @[email protected]

Based in Paris, I run a Wildcat! BBS like it's the early 90s. J'écris les choses sur internet en texte brut.

Görllewin @[email protected]

Mobile Developer. Autistic + ADHD. Cis male, trans ally. Yorkshire, UK. Glacial erratic. #nobot

My posts disappear after 1 month. Don't follow unless you have some posts, I need to gauge how safe you are.

Helioso Novako @[email protected]

Saluton. Mi estas komencanta esperantisto kaj doktora studento. Mi loĝas en Usono, sed mi eble volas foriri. Mi ŝatas lerni pri fungoj, ludi videoludoj, kaj mia kato. Li nomiĝas Bakisto (Baker). Mi havas koramikon-- ne, ne havas koramikinon. Parolu al mi, sed estu pacienca.

🇺🇸 | 🏳️‍🌈 | 🍄 | 🔬 | 🎮 | 🐈 | 🖋️

Gwenillia :trans_flag: @[email protected]

I'm a frontend developer who spend my free time doing backend stuff, playing video games, writing, eating food. I just enjoy learning and spending my time. 😌

Debby @[email protected]

Nur alia rifuĝinto, kiu fuĝis de Elon Musk Tvitero serĉante azilon for de Trump kaj Pitersen. Mi ankaŭ devas anticipe pardonpeti, ke mia esperanto estas mezbona kaj mia ortografio estas malbona en ĉiuj lingvoj.

mau @[email protected]

Venezuelan migrant
Solar energy engineer

Vi Grey - ·𐑝𐑲 𐑜𐑮𐑱 @[email protected]

Software developer | NES homebrew dev | Obsessed with calendars and tracking the moon (I automatically delete posts after 4 days)

NB | Germanic pagan who tracks the heck out of the moon | Usually craving carbs

Supporter of Declaration 127 and the Declaration of Deeds