Transwoman - very much interested in UNIX-like OSs, terminal/cli/security stuff, free software - (queer-)feminism, veganism.
A passionate streetboarder.

#nobot - #norec

(norec = no-recommend: please don't recommend my profile to follow)

Tend to be positive, but rant from time to time.

#berlin #gentoo #freebsd #archlinux #OpensourceSeeds #tea #HSP #introverted #streetboard #OpenSourceGardens #Haeckse #NettleFanGirl

I don't like skating - I love it <3



0hlov3:apple::endeavouros_logo: @[email protected]

#someone who doesn't know how to write a bio, but you can help me if you want... :)

Passionate DevOps engineer with a preference for #InfrastructureAsCode, #Automation, #Kubernetes, #Docker, #Go ( #GoLang ), #Bash etc.

I am here to meet new cool #people and for sure to learn more about #privacy, #security the tools I use and much more.

Pixelfed: @Ohlov3
MainAccountOf: @0hlov3

#nobot #fedi22

Feel free to follow request.