Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


Hiro 🦥💤 @[email protected]

I am in the process of moving into this account.
- @hnb
- @hnb
- @hnb

A person with #INFP and #HSP .
#Reader of things.
Learner of #Emacs .

日本生まれ、ペルー育ち、米国で10年越えの ATCK 。

🇯🇵 fluent
🇺🇲 fluent
🇪🇸🇵🇪 intermediate

wlo @[email protected]

A wizard in a world of witches.


Amazey @[email protected]

A maze of twisty little passages, all alike.

Black Lives Matter. Reparations and Land Back. Trans Rights are Human Rights.

Seth "Twylo" Morabito @[email protected]

Senior engineer and full time remote teleworker. In my spare time I write emulators. Retrocomputing, networking, linguistics, and electronics hacking.

jns @[email protected]

The fixer (he/him), sometimes the broken, sometimes the breaker. Read my gopherhole for the rest - I can only fit so many keystrokes here, or, you know,... pull my finger.

My finger daemon holds many secrets. You definitively should try and find them all.

lazyPower @[email protected]

Admin of - Infosec curious, automation enthusiast. Former Ubuntu and Kubernetes contributor. #nobot

Random follow requests with no context (eg never interacted before) will be rejected.

:sparkles_trans: franklint :sparkles_trans: @[email protected]

30s elfin franky

i like sci-fi, comic books, and old computer games. this is my personal GtS instance

you may know me from @68km

follows are unrestricted for now until after I finish following friends. if you don't know me please say hi first

avatar art by Jake Lawrence