Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


Michał SP6MR @[email protected]

HAM from Lower Silesia, Poland


Programmer by trade, in his free time likes to ride his bike or play with radios. Prefers FOSS and self-hosted solutions. Likes smaller and simpler solutions where practical.

techno-mage in: @[email protected]

Standard output through Prague.
Writing, drawing, painting, programming, translating and retro-computing.

"Unix child of Czech surrealism"

Posts in cz/en. I only post things I personally authored.


PolymerWitch @[email protected]

Infosec anarchist trans lady in the pacific northwest. I love technology, and I hate the tech sector.

#SheHer #Anarchist #AntiRacist

Slowly migrating from Once I feel like GTS is stable enough I will likely migrate fully. I plan to be a bit stricter with follow requests here, but feel free to request one.

Also, GTS doesn't support the Mastodon migration settings. So, I can't easily transfer followers and such. So, it's gonna be manual.

kemonine @[email protected]

chronically ill and generally confused maker / programmer / crafter / analog lifer

see for more


Polymer Witch ☢️ @[email protected]

Too many opinions.

I've been an anarchist for two decades.

Sometimes I make music.

I work in Infosec. I'm highly critical of the technology industry, and spend my work telling people why using any particular tech product is bad.

I live in Portland, OR.

I'm tired.

b30 @[email protected]

GoToSocial test instance * main account: * blog:

lazyPower @[email protected]

Admin of - Infosec curious, automation enthusiast. Former Ubuntu and Kubernetes contributor. #nobot

Random follow requests with no context (eg never interacted before) will be rejected.

sungo (variant aspect) @[email protected]

This is a variant aspect of @sungo

Some day this will be main, but not without a few more features.

What will separate this from main in the mean time? No clue. This will probably be a mutuals-only followers-only-post-privacy kinda place for now though.

#nobot #nobots #noarchive #noindex

iKU @[email protected]


Natalie 🏳️‍⚧️☕ @[email protected]

Hihi, Natalie here.

I'm a trans, non-binary, kinky, ace, neuro-divergent, white programmer. I do my best to seek out information, to listen and to learn. I occasionally post about identity, my trash mental health and my unfinished projects. But, mostly expect random selfies and things going on in my life.

Some of my posts will be about sex, potentially kinky, lewd or tmi, but I enjoy it as a topic.

I am anti-capitalist, anti-state and taken 💜 No flirting please.

Cyannin @[email protected]

She/they/eir nb. PNW.
Mostly posts about boring daily stuff.
Pics of cats, gripes, idk
Profile pic is two muskoxen silhouettes.
Header pic is Tahoma framed by foliage.