Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


sungo (fading aspect) @[email protected]

⚠ If you want to follow, please interact first. Just say hello, really, whatever.

Previously @[email protected], @[email protected], @[email protected], and others

Content here is keyboards (I make em), 3d printing, tech shit (coding, sysadmin). And lots, lots of profanity and sarcasm.

I am certifiably crazy so expect mental health content.

21+ only

All content expires whenever I feel like it.

alice is not ergo.

endgame is a conspiracy.

#nobot #nobots #noarchive #noindex

cev @[email protected]

Disc Jockey, FreeBSD user, music collector, quake player, fan of public transportation.

Currently in the suburbs surrounding Portland, Oregon.

Profile avatar photo by DJ Popcorn. Header photo by CEV.


Senny @[email protected]

A living example of paticca samuppada. Pining for Ye Olde Nette, digging the Tildeverse and Gemini.


anelki @[email protected]

ich bin nur eine person, die sein will.

genderqueer (they/them) weirdo computer-y librarian.

theruran 🌐🏴 @[email protected]

contents: cautionary cyberpunk aesthetic; boosting signal; not that spicy~

ask me about my PhD research.

currently in an abusive relationship with my computer. #noBot

seriously won't shut up about #Ada / #SPARK and #LISP

making progress in my own way.
don't hate; appreciate.

#systemsPraxis: #systemsThinking + #systemDynamics + #systemsEngineering #antifragility #formalMethods #mind and #nature
#retroComputing #OSdev #progLangDesign #fediScholar

Hiro (引っ越ししました) @[email protected]

#Emacs as a current hot hobby. #NixOS user to alleviate some stress from fear of messing up and not reboot ever again...

iiogama @[email protected]

Things to know about me:
* I know enough to realize I don't know anything at all
* I delete all of my posts after 90 days
* I use favorites as bookmarks and ignore the actual bookmarks feature
* I have an alt (or is this the alt?)

БРОНЗЫ БИТЬ @[email protected]

Explorer. Creator. LoTek Cyberpunk. #OmCru
🧘‍♂️🧷Ⓐ 🌹🏳️‍🌈
♥ photography, sci fi & fact, minimalism, retro tech, nature, connecting, possibilities #EndSurveillanceCapitalism

Mark McCahill @[email protected]

the work is mysterious, and important

cats, music, software, networks - Durham, NC, USA

christyotwisty 🇨🇦 (prime acc @[email protected]

Flaneuse, widow, geocacher, reader, listless epistles and glazomaniac.

Fountain pens, sunshine, wordplay, puzzles, coffee, traditional foods, lounge, nostalgia.
interested in authenticity, vulnerability, multiculturalism, food, friendship, literature.

kelbot ◖⎚∠⎚◗ @[email protected]

Not actually a bot (I hope).

My gemini capsule and gemlog are here: