Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them


Paul SomeoneElse @[email protected]

My name is Paul.
I like bands like High on Fire.
I live in Vermont, US.
I like bicycles but don't ride them anymore.
I'm some form of socialist/anarchist and pro-labor / unions.
I volunteer for both :)

I like all of the programming languages and switch too often between them.
vi not vim, but emacs is ok too especially when doing lisp stuff.

UC Santa Cruz @[email protected]

The official Mastodon account of the University of California, Santa Cruz. Go Slugs!

SeTec Astronomy :blobbandage: @[email protected]

Digital refugee from the hellscape of RL. Fan of the movie Sneakers. Lover of technology and it's many uses.

If you're local to and you're stuck in my "Follow Requests" queue, drop me a DM so I know you're there and can approve it.

Like Infosec? Go read "The Cuckoo's Egg" by Cliff Stoll.

Alexander Bochmann @[email protected]

generic computer and internetworking geek

network and systems administration, infosec, retrocomputing


Miredly @[email protected]

Game dev, indie producer

I make under-a-rock music for bugs:

Sir Garbagetruck @[email protected]

Not on fire

Am I gonna recognize you right away by your name? If you're a demoscener, likely, or you're from one of my past lives.

If not, You _gots_ to give me a reason why you wanna follow.

See here:

Katanova the Sunpunk @[email protected]

Cyber luddite.

Smash the machines until they no longer smash our humanity.

Twitter crumbled. Here isn't any better.

Go outside and talk to people.

No one here can save you. Why would they try when they can't quite save themselves?

Mystery Babylon :aheartdrawn: @[email protected]

American near Glasgow.

Working on an interactive queer space opera story-game.

Posts on here will widely range from game writing updates, musings about moving abroad, museums I've visited and anime I'm watching, to classic science fiction books and cat pics.

Please have a bio and some posts before follow-requesting, and be a good human -- no bigots, no bots, no crypto. This account is all-ages, but my work has 18+ themes.

anatil e\x9f\xf0\xbc\xa5n lu\x00l @[email protected]

retro tech office lady
open source (hard|soft)ware dev
vr is irl
animegao kigurumi appreciator
weird music enjoyer
hobby phone network admin
not a vtuber
follow requests ok

W6AIT - Donovan @[email protected]

Technician Licensed in Feb '22, Upgrade to General May '22.
Joined local #MDARC club
Currently building/testing Antennas for #POTA #SOTA and #Fieldday2022
#CW / #Morse in 2023?
Outside of radio, #father #gardening #sportingclays #camping & #dvorak going on 16years

leeb @[email protected]

What's old is new again.
BITNET revivalist.

bronsen @[email protected]

Leitender Direktor des Instituts für angewandte Futuristik @infuanfu

✔ Kein Sarkasmus
✔ Keine Medienkompetenzerziehung
✔ Keine Brand Loyalty

I toot fluently in English and German.

Toots are unlisted by default.