asocial dilettante - she/her
fan of minimal paradigms
mostly lurker :walk:


stereo @[email protected]

#interactivefiction #gemini #tokipona #selfhost #freesoftware #agile
i am also part of @wir and my main account is @stereo
this one is small at home on a raspi and running #gotosocial which seems even less resource hungry than pleroma.

Karol Belina @[email protected]

alone, adrift in the remnants

bouncepaw 🍄 @[email protected]

A mask maker. I develop boring niche software, draw non-existent things, and write some hypertexts. Already in the Mycoverse.

RU (nat), EN (B2..C1), EO (B1), FR (A1)

Profile picture: a pixelated mushroom from Kunstformen der Natur. Cover: my drawing of a girl waving her hand at you.

manifoldslug @[email protected]

"The high sun burns through your skin, the low moon chills you to the bone."

Avid collector of dust. String wrangler, insane toymaker and wannabe explorer of the turing tarpit.

[currently working on] doldrusidus, an engine for a tiny multiplayer universe where starships run uxn code.

E.L. Guerrero @[email protected]

Amateur cartographer. Trying to be less found.

Also at @knights

:jan: :utala:

Alex S. @[email protected]

𝘨𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴 (𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴)

"Badger in a cage fight"

Mi ricevas novaĵojn el la sola fidinda fonto - kripta simboleco en miaj sonĝoj.


Leah Neukirchen @[email protected]

Just another random shark-hugging girl. · queerfeminist ⚧ trans 🏳️‍🌈 bi 💞 polyam ✨ white

shali @[email protected]


Kurt B. Kaiser @[email protected]

Software, hardware, physics. Bottom turtles.

Rewinding emergence.

jan Delph @[email protected]

jan li toki e ni: kulupu pi jan ali li ken kama ante.

mycorrhiza @[email protected]

Dad, working scientist, degrowth anarchist, wobbly