🌱 Gammal rävtub :aroFlag: :mastoDont: [email protected]

Open on fedi.aroace.space

Hallo! It's me, a disabled transgender lesbian grey-platonic grey-romantic agender aroace minor and vegetarian, admin of this Fediace. (they/them, accept she/her)

I live in the Leptæniformia System! (endogenic system)
Forever - me!
Lilith - @lilith (they're not online much)

Go away if:
- Aphobe
- Ableist
- Exclusionist
- “Morals on Internet ≠ real-life morals” people
- “Minors DNI” people
- Twitter newcomer
- “I don't see race, disability, etc.” people
- Will lewd or flirt at me
- Will call me an anarchist
- Not nice
- Non-ally allocishets
- Police :acab:
Please interact with me and DM me to follow me.

I'm an antiracist. No form of racism is tolerated at all by me. I moderate this place strongly. Fediversary: 26 March 2021. I prefer being referred to with neuter gender, feminine is ok. probably an arctic fox? idk

hungarian emigrant sadly living in denver, CO, cornland

Languages: en, some de, learning sv.

Leftist but not anarchist. I may sometimes word things incorrectly, sorry if I do.
Screenshot and boost if wanted my public and unlisted posts only.
I've probably been on fedi longer than you.
I post meta stuff a lot, be warned.
Keep old Fedi culture alive! Image descriptions and CWs rule.

Lastly, my website is aroace.space. Слава Україні!


They Are @[email protected]

Hello, I'm Lilith Leptæniformia. (they/them)

I probably don't exist, but in the case that I do, I'm on an overseer board somewhere. Also immortal. Don't question it.

~ The Leptæniformia System ~
Forever: a person with qualities / @forever
Lilith: immortal being / me!

People who will lewd or flirt at me, exclusionists, ageists, fossers, harassers, and allos go away. DM before following, please, unless if I follow you. languages: en, de.

shitpostalotl ==> akko.unix.dog @[email protected]

Internet user and axolotl appreciator
Do not interact: Conservatives, American Libertarians, Fans of Modern-Day China's Government, bigots of any sort
if i ever make a request for phisical affection you can be sure that i mean it platonically. eg cuddleing as shorthand for platonic cuddleing.

I moved to [email protected] @[email protected]

Hi, I'm Mæve! :)

I like computers, but they don't like me back.

I wish I didn't have to be strong all the time. I just want to be myself.

I'm not good with labels, but here's my curated selection, in case you're looking for mine:

transfem 🏳️‍⚧️, nonbinary, genderfluid, autistic, 18+, demi, pan, poly, top, switch, hacktivist, regex connaisseuse, tokipona learner, openstreetmap improver, lowercase enthusiast

ℹ️ follow requests are okay, except from empty profiles, cryptobros, TERFs, nazis, etc.

Sarah Quartz💛 @[email protected]

My old Eldritch Café account that I sometimes still use for cozy stuff. My real name is Sarah Quartz.

My main: @sarasapfir

leninist sex pest 🇵🇸☭ @[email protected]

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here"

Conlanger, one-day-will-be-a linguist (still in highschool...), I guess also programmer/tech person, but not on this account.

I'll attempt to speak many languages, but I'm only proficient in Hungarian and English so otherwise please correct me if I write something stupid.


Rune :BlobhajShock: @[email protected]

If you are reading this… congratulations you are alive. If that is not something to smile about, then I don't know what is.

Sometimes the posts are in Danish.

Posts expire after 90 days.

[email protected] @[email protected]

I accept most follow requests, but I'd appreciate if you send a message beforehand :)

eschew practicality, pursue expression

music, language, writing, programming

aromantic and acespec
💚 🤍 🖤 :aromantic_flag:
🖤 🤍 💜 :asexual_flag:

Madame v. Malware 🐰 @[email protected]

bad writer, great hugger =P

♾️ Neurodiverse and speaks English! 🦋

👩🏼‍💻#Queer Editor 🏳️‍🌈

♻️ follows or engagements aren't necessarily endorsements ⭐️

This is my bi-o (as in bisexual)

🔖 Account Topics: #Marvel #MCU #DnD #LGBT #fedi22 #Privacy #Foss #Security #Comics #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Videography #PeerTuber #YouTuber #BLM #BlackLivesMatter #TheBoys #Superhero #Scifi 💭

📭 DM me if I do something wrong 📨

Seirdy @[email protected]

Skim before following: https://seirdy.one/about/fediverse-greeting/. It describes how I accept follow requests, block people, etc.

If you don't wanna see my shitposts, I CW most with the "shitpost" spoiler.

Director's Cut of my bio: https://seirdy.one/about/

Working towards a world without exploitation through consumption. Does not believe in ignoring demographics because they're "only N% of our users". Interested in #Accessibility, #SearchEngines, #Privacy, #Security (in that order).


- check my "uses" page: https://seirdy.one/about/uses/
- Trying to support software freedom without being a fossbro. not a fan of the FSF.

Other tech interests in no particular order: linked data, the #IndieWeb, the #Gemini protocol (more into the community than the technology).


I'm leftist but I have dedicated alts for most (not all!) politics. Under-represented groups deserve disproportionately greater attention.


I have #anxiety and #ADHD, and deal with #OverStimulation. Diagnosed aspergers but it doesn't manifest as obviously.


"mommy seirdy" — @[email protected]

#fedi22 #poggies #LinkedData #SemanticWeb #panro #a11y #InclusiveDesign #ScreenReader #SearchEngines #anime #webdev #blogging #linux #Fedora #Sway #zsh #yesbot

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uggla @[email protected]

Ugla frá barrskógabeltinu.
Uggla från tajgan.
Owl from the taiga.

Introduce yourself before sending a follow request. ♥️

I live in Norrland with my heartfriend Krummi and our adopted children.
I like forests, lakes, fells, languages, synths.

🏳️‍⚧️ Agender autist. ♾️

schratze @[email protected]

⚠️ put something in your profile or @ me if you want to follow me ⚠️

Agender. Intersectional anarchism, linguistics, bass, birds, computers, ADHD, schratzposts.

Nazis fuck off. Child abusers fuck off. Hatespeech extremists fuck off. Cryptocurrency shills fuck off. Racism apologists fuck off.

Avatar: the body of a precision bass, being played
Header: A collage of reviews by happy followers

Disclosure: white, late twenties

Not interested in flirting


Violetta 💜 @[email protected]

alternate account of @tranarchist

anarchist sapphic transfem, things i like include:
- alt music
- celeste
- genderful aesthetics
- free software
- literature, to an extent

i will probably accept your follow request if you have something on your profile and give off good vibes

see other profile of IM deets

avatar: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cat_yawning_in_park.jpg (CC BY-SA)