@ThePSF director & fellow.

Working on @conda and friends at #Anaconda.

All things #Python, Open #Web supporter.

#PyPA & #Jazzband founder.

#Mozilla data, #MDN & @django core alum.


Stanisław Małolepszy @[email protected]

I make small 3D games (piesku.com), and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, product management, linguistics, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, previously at Mozilla. Also: Message Format Working Group Unicode.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.

Anthony Johnson :skull: @[email protected]

Cofounder at Read the Docs. Now residing in the inland NW. Generally rather jazzed about free software. He/him.

Expect cursing about software.

I'm still experimenting with federated services: