I'm a programmer working as a CTO of an IT services company. Interested in mental models and frameworks. Observes how technology shapes business, politics, and life; and in turn how business, politics, and life shape technology.

Generally talks about #wealth, #insights, #network, #selfcontrol. In addition, I talk about plethora of topics that I'm interested in: #christianity, #india, #technology, #golang, #programming #ukulele

I #homeschool my 2 boys. They are also on fediverse - @joshg & @jerryg

You can find me on these places:
• Blog: jjude.com
• Podcast: jjude.com/podcast
• Photos: pixelfed.social/jjude
• Books: ramblingreaders.org/user/jjude

Happy to connect and chat. Come along.


Craig Foster @[email protected]

Innovation Delivery Manager @ NATS. Chartered Mathematician. Human Factors PhD student @ University of Southampton
Living with #CML. 
Interested in technology, aviation, innovation, safety science and human factors in complex systems. 
Own and unoriginal views.

Justin Fitzsimmons @[email protected]

He/Him - Toronto 🇨🇦 - Software developer

Big into nerd shit of all kinds, but especially vidya games. 🤓🕹

“I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I’m not kidding” 😎

#Labour #EatTheRich #ACAB

#VideoGames #BoardGames #TTRPG

🎶 🤘#Metal 💿🌐 #Vapourwave 🪩 #Disco

🧠 #Neurodiverse #Accessibility #Disability

⌨️ #DevOps #RubyOnRails #Ruby #Kubernetes #Terraform #Rust #Linux

DM for 🔒#Signal

Joseph @[email protected]

Interested in technology in business & business of technology; #homeschooling; building #gravitas to attract luck.

James Dreben :mw: @[email protected]

Software developer, startup evangelist, aspiring writer, and lifelong student.

#Boston, #WashingtonDC, #StarTrek, #CatsOfMastodon, #ComedyBangBang.

Boosts or reblogs ≠ endorsements.
Just my toots @ https://spacekaren.sucks/dreben.

odmica @[email protected]

I’m new. Just reblogging a bunch of stuff I find either funny or serious.

Adam @[email protected]

🍷 Wine
📚 Reading
👨‍💻 Coding
🚀 Startups
🍇 Founder of Marzipan - commerce for wineries

Jeff Sikes @[email protected]

Coder, manager, dog dad. Tech tinkering is my joy. Be kind.

Disillusioned techno-optimist @[email protected]

Data nerd, science geek, recovering philosopher.
Have worked in e-commerce, insurtech, and now telecom in product management, analytics, data & decision sciences roles

Jerry Garrett :verified: @[email protected]

Hey there: I'm a 10 year old #homeschool boy. Interested in #computers. Learning #cajon.

Chris May @[email protected]

Giving you superpowers to use every day. Python trainer, coach, developer, and PyRVA co-founder.

Ravi Sambamurthy @[email protected]

Would post when I like to think aloud, or when I'm tempted to voice my point of view.

Transistor.fm @[email protected]

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