I'm a programmer working as a CTO of an IT services company. Interested in mental models and frameworks. Observes how technology shapes business, politics, and life; and in turn how business, politics, and life shape technology.

Generally talks about #wealth, #insights, #network, #selfcontrol. In addition, I talk about plethora of topics that I'm interested in: #christianity, #india, #technology, #golang, #programming #ukulele

I #homeschool my 2 boys. They are also on fediverse - @joshg & @jerryg

You can find me on these places:
• Blog: jjude.com
• Podcast: jjude.com/podcast
• Photos: pixelfed.social/jjude
• Books: ramblingreaders.org/user/jjude

Happy to connect and chat. Come along.


Chris May @[email protected]

Giving you superpowers to use every day. Python trainer, coach, developer, and PyRVA co-founder.

Ravi Sambamurthy @[email protected]

Would post when I like to think aloud, or when I'm tempted to voice my point of view.

Transistor.fm @[email protected]

✨ Host unlimited podcasts on one account

🎙️ We provide podcast hosting & analytics. Publish your podcast to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts.

Pete Forsyth @[email protected]

Wikipedia trainer, consultant, author. Primary interest: Ensuring that the future of news & education is collaborative & inclusive.

Gerry Calderhead @[email protected]

Scottish/Australian kicking around in Sydney working in Tech

Lost World @[email protected]

Join us, let's create an interesting community in "Mastodon" together.
We recommend: @Kashalot
Support the author:
PayPal: [email protected]

David Woje :podcast: @[email protected]

Audio Things
#Podcast 🎙️
#FieldRecording 🏔️
#AudioEngineering 🎧
The more we listen, the more we understand.

Infinity Counter 🟦 @[email protected]

Geek. Coder. Retired. TOR user. #Cats #Photography #foss #Privacy #HomeAssistant #Cancer #Neuropathy #NHL #Hockey

I don't have a Substack. Or Instagram. Or YouTube channel. Or TicTok. I'm not selling anything. I'm just here to be social. To read and occasionally share.

New to the fediverse. I try to use CW, alt text, etc. as I discover they're part of the culture.

Avatar description: small prickly pear cactus poking out from a bed of brown pine needles

Randahl Fink @[email protected]

Political commentator.

MosesMa @[email protected]

I’m attempting to be a modern Taoist, who can only be fulfilled by an unconventional life. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed being a videogame designer, an internet visionary, a filmmaker, a physicist, and a student of taoism and qigong. My day job is running a tiny high tech venture studio with big dreams.

Miłøsz @[email protected]

Hey there!
💻 Writing code for living
🍳 Enjoying good food
🦊 Throwing sticks for [email protected]

Marjorie H Morgan @[email protected]


I write.
I research.
I photograph.

Archaeologist of hidden stories.



Available for commissions.
