Кавказ.Реалии [email protected]

Open on budmo.info

ttldtor aka m4n71k0r @[email protected]

Anatoly Kalin aka m4n71k0r
C++ D Java Scala Kotlin C# C programmer
Senior Software Engineer @ dxFeed


autogestion @[email protected]

якщо ти заблудився в лісі і не знаєш куди йти - йди додому

Toni @[email protected]

#GNULinux #SofwareLibre

Faig faltes escrivint, em fa mandra corregir, disculpeu-me.
Prefereixo la ciència a déu i l'esport als bous.

Hago faltas escribiendo, me da pereza corregir, disculparme.
Prefiero la ciencia a dios y el deporte a los toros.

I make mistakes writing, I'm too lazy to correct, apologize.
I prefer science to god and sport to bullfighting.

kravietz 🦇 @[email protected]

Polish expat into UK. Information security engineer. Caver & cave rescuer (thus the bat). NHS volunteer & blood donor. Member of UK LibDems and Greens. Pro-nuclear and pro-renewables.