Miren 🦥 [email protected]
Hello from myself. Joined the fediverse on 2018, self-hosting since 2022. Also (for now) on mstdn.io/@miren. Euskaraz (eu) mastodon.eus/@miren
Miren @[email protected]
Lecturer/researcher, PhD. #journalism, #datajournalism, #numeracy at #uni. Also #knitting, #mother, #plaintext and #markdown wherever possible. Some (nor very long) time ago: #breastfeeding, #babywearing. Learning: #veggiegarden, #selfhost
Slowly moving in from https://mstdn.io/@miren
Aurora ✅ @[email protected]
Psicóloga de código abierto. Haciendo psicoterapia desde una mirada social y crítica.
#Psicología #Terapia #EconomíaSocial #Ciberpsicología #NoJoseos