Alt/Dark account of Very queer. Feel free to send follow request but I'll most likely will not accept it unless we follow each other. DMs from everyone welcome


Fynn @[email protected]

A nerd about train tickets and other pricing systems.

Moanos @[email protected]

26 | Tübingen | Medical Engineering + Neuroscience + Medical Informatics | :bisexual_flag: | Contact:

Miau @[email protected]

Darky Dark Dark 😶‍🌫️

CountessLeia @[email protected]

My precious @fairy
happily sadistic, playful, creative, ropes, deep connections, pan & poly 🌈

ropeybunny 🐰 @[email protected]

NSFW / 18+. Kinky masochist into sharps, rope, CNC etc.

musicmatze :rust: :nixos: @[email protected]

Rust, NixOS, Minimal/Techno/Trance/PsyTrance

:rust: :nixos: :neovim: :ms_music_notes:

Languages: EN , DE

Works on Rust OSS professionally and fulltime <3

(Came from, joined mastodon first in 2018)

lars @[email protected]

ITler, Nerd und im Chaos-Umfeld unterwegs. 🏳️‍🌈
Dies ist mein Hauptaccount für allgemeine Themen. Für Amateurfunk siehe @dk7lst und für private Themen @LonelyLars

Erw @[email protected]

25|Neurodivers|Erwin|Pan|Derzeit Ausbildung zum FiAe (3. Lehrjahr)|

Homer S. @[email protected]

Mein Test-Account für GoToSocial